Chapter 39|Inhuman

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Merry Christmas 💛


Hazel's P.O.V

"Why didn't you say anything!" I yell at him as I filled with rage.

My father stared at me unblinkingly, he looked bored. "And let that psychopath kill you? Heck no."

"They're going to die looking for someone th-"

"All his partners are dead, they'll be fine," my dad interrupts.

My faces squeezes in confusion, "what do you mean?"

He passed me his tablet. I looked down at the screen and my eyes nearly buldged out of my sockets.

Melody and Antonio were found dead this morning. They were supposedly murdered last night and left to sink into a river while in their car.

How did they find them so fast?

"It says the police are investigating," I point out as I read the article.

"They are," my dad replies. "Those amateurs better hope they didn't leave enough evidence to get tracked."

"How did the police get to find out so fast?" I ask as I slide the tablet towards him.

"Obviously because there's an officer among them," he takes a sip from his spirit drink.

I gasp, "who is it?"

My father doesn't reply immediately and I notice him chuckle as he takes another sip from his glass cup.

"Tobi Peña."

My mouth parts slightly. "He's the one who kept calling the police?"

"Exactly," my dad replies with his thick australian accent.

"He's a mole?"

"Not exactly."

"But he wants to get them arrested!"

"He wants to get Asher arrested," my dad inputs.

"If they find out he's a faker they're going to kill him," I say.

"They won't because we won't tell them," my dad says with his voice holding an edge to it.

Ever since I found out the truth about my family, my dad has changed alot. It's like seeing the real side to him and it's terrifying. Even though I wanted nothing to do with this, I still feel like I have the duty to look after Bianca and the others.

I messed up and betrayed them, like a shit friend. I at least owe them a little help. Once I do help I'll be out of this dangerous game forever.

"How do you know so much anyway?" I ask him.

He smiles mischievously and leans back in his seat. "Remember what I told you pumpkin," he says.

I roll my eyes, "not to ask any questions about yourself, I get it."

"Good girl," he grins.

"But are you certain about what you want to do to her sister?"



Bianca's POV

"I can't believe you did that Bianca," Jasmine says, poppin a piece of candy in her mouth.

I shrug silently and leaned back on the comfy black chair, Jasmine sat beside me. We are in the screening room, but we weren't watching a movie, I was telling her everything about last night.

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