Chapter 09| Mafia Blood

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"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca/Victoria P.O.V

A handsome face and a human machine.

He wasn't just muscular, he was a giant. His thick arms were coated with dark ink. He looked dangerous, and I knew he was.

He seemed about 6'4 with his black hair in a low cut and a neat beard on his chiseled face.

"Who's that?" I hear Hazel ask, but my eyes are still fixed on the man before me.

I hear Leo let out a breath and then some shuffling. "I'll go find out," I hear him say and the locks suddenly open.

My head whips towards him. "Wait! Don't go anywhere," I tell him with a serious expression on my face.

He looks at me wierdly, "why?" He asks, "do you know this guy?" He asks, nodding towards Michael who was now talking to Jasmine with a not very pleased look on his face.

"Just stay in the car, Jasmine told us too," I explain, but he doesn't look convinced.

"This guy looks no good, Victoria," he says with suspicion laced in his tone.

"Jasmine knows what she's doing, I don't, but she does. The least we can do is behave," I say looking back towards Jasmine and Michael.

"She's right," I hear Hazel say. I could tell from the looks on their faces they were heavily confused, I am too.

They keep conversing for about two more minutes before the unexpected happens.

Jasmine says something that makes him glance at our car then back at her. He then smirks before pulling out his gun and aiming it at our vehicle.

"Woah, woah, woah, is that a gun?" I hear Leo ask.

"Victoria..." I hear Hazel trail off worriedly but I don't pay them attention, I keep my eyes on Michael. I know he's trying to play some mind trick on us, that look on his face gave it away.

But why is he here? Is he taking us away? Why didn't Jasmine tell me anything?

I watch him move his aim from us towards Jasmine so I try rolling down the window slightly to hear what they're saying.

Their words are faint since they're too far away but I make out the click of the gun as it's taken off safety. A shiver runs down my spine.

He wouldn't shoot Jasmine, right?

"Fuck, what's going on Victoria?!" Leo asks and I can clearly tell he's scared for Jasmine.

"I - I don't know," I reply honestly with a low but audible whisper.

"I'm going out there," I hear Hazel say and I look at her like she were crazy.

"He has a possibly loaded gun and you have what exactly?" I ask her and she shuts her mouth. "We're defenseless, all we can do is stay low. He won't shoot her...I know he won't."

I look back at them and notice Jasmine had tensed. Michael keeps the gun aimed at her but his eyes turn swiftly towards the car and lock with mine almost immediately. Like he saw me watch him behind the tinted windows.

Then just like that, he shoots my glass window.

The glass shattered and the sudden action caused a yelp to escape my lips. I scrambled to the other side of the back seat, dodging the glass pieces.

Hazel screams and Leo yells out a curse. My eyes are wide with shock and alert while my breathing becomes louder as my heart starts to beat erratically in my chest.

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