Chapter 01|Awkward

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"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca's (Victoria's) P.O.V

I watched the buildings pass by in a blur as the car moved, my chin resting on my knuckles.

My thoughts swirled around the job interview I just had, it was a disaster.

I was beyond nervous, which caused me to loose my confidence and turn into a stammering mess. I don't know why, but something about sitting in a room with a stranger asking you questions made me feel so out of place.

This was surely another failed interview out of all the other eight I've had in the past few months.

I bit my lip, refusing the groan of frustration from leaving.

The taxi finally came to a stop and the driver looked back at me from the drivers seat with an expectant look on his face.

I bit back an eye roll and paid him, getting myself out of the vehicle.

With one hand clenched to a fist beside me and the other clutching the strap of my purse tightly, I trudged my way to the elevator of my apartment building.

I pushed the button of my floor and let my head rest on the elevator walls feeling mentally exhausted.

Just before the doors closed a man, looking in his late 60's squeezed his way through the door.

The man had grey mixed with black hair, he was quite tall and had bright blue eyes. In his hand he held a pen and a piece of paper which seemed quite odd to me.

He looked at me and smiled, "sorry about that, I'm just not looking forward to dying with all those stairs," he joked with a small laugh.

I let a small smile grace my lips without replying and watched as he pushed the floor above mine, leaving both of us waiting for our stops in the awkward silence.

"Nice weather we have today, huh," the man suddenly said.

I glanced at him and looked down at my clothes. I dressed in simple but appropriate for a job interview of course.

I nodded, "actually, it was," I reply half truly. It was a bit cold outside but not too cold so I'd say it's okay.

He nodded in understanding, and looked forward, "how long have you lived in this building?" He asked.

My eyebrows rose at his question, okay then...

I get he's trying to make our situation less awkward, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Does he want something?

"A few years," I reply curtly, watching the elevator numbers change and waiting desperately for my floor. What's taking so long?

"Interesting," he says, drifting his eyes away from me.

I can't say I don't feel very uncomfortable right now. I feel my fingers fumble with my bag strap, as I'm anxiously waiting for this awkward torture to end.

When we reached my floor seconds later I could feel relief flutter my chest.

As I started to make my way out he spoke again, "it was nice meeting you miss, I'm Goerge."

I could tell there was an even more confused look on my face by now. I'm even confused as to why I'm confused.

This is so confusing.

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