Chapter 33|Help

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I'm sorry it's late...


Asher's P.O.V

The car came to a long awaited stop as we finally reached our destination. Looking out the window I could tell we were far away from the city and in more of an open farm field.

I noticed a large building that looked more like a barn in the far distance and turned to Blake who sat beside me on the driver's seat.

"Keep driving, that's the place," I tell him curtly, my voice monotone.

He nodded silently and drove, the cars behind us followed as well.

All I'm interested in doing is getting Bianca back, and maybe shooting down that old bastard...but mostly getting Bianca.

Hades led us here and said he had Bianca hidden in an old unused barn in the middle of nowhere.

It took us a while to get here, but we are here now and I'm not leaving till I get what I came here for.

I pray she's alive.

"We're here," Blake tells me as he parks the car.

Seconds later we're all out of our cars and like ten feet away from the entrance into the large barn. Rhea was being watched by two of my men, she's in a wheelchair so she's not much of a worry when it comes to escaping.

We are all here. Blake, Shawn, Jasmine, Caleb, Emilia, Michael and Tobi. It is the war after all so why not.

Clara isn't here because of her condition and Hazel... She's not welcome to join us. It's not like she wanted to anyway. Leo insisted on coming, I let him know that if anything happens to him, I will not be held accountable, so he chickened out and decided to stay back.

I could feel all of my hidden and visible weapons press my skin, my breathing was sharp with anger and slight anxiety.

I'm not scared of what is coming, I'm scared of what I might see...I'm scared she's actually not in there but six feet below the ground.

Believe me we did try to make sure they weren't playing with us and demanded we get evidence. They only sent a picture, and though that isn't enough we took what we got and I hate that we had to.

He's making me look like an idiot.

He's getting under my fucking skin and he knows it. I know I shouldn't let him but I can't help myself when every fucking day I'm reminded about that dick.

Hades knows too much... He knows too much of the entire truth and I'm afraid he'll tell her and ruin what we have. He knows she's my happiness and he wants to take her away from me.

And as for my dead mother, she will be buried as she should; right next to my shit of a father.

I felt Tobi walk up closer to me and tap my shoulder, his large gun still in hand.

"Are we just gonna stand here or..." he trails off.

I blinked and then realized everyone was just standing, waiting for my command.

I'm usually never this distant on battle ground... This is different because the love of my life is very much involved, and a man that has started in my nightmares could be standing behind those large double doors.

I swallowed quietly and clenched my two hands beside me.

"We're not going in. They come out to us," I reply sharply, my eyes were hooded behing my designer shades but they were still focused on the large double doors and the field around me. At this moment we could be vulnerable, it's an obvious trap, but hopefully we get Bianca out of this.

RebornTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon