Chapter 06| Dates

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"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca/Victoria P.O.V

I sipped from my mug as I leaned on the kitchen island. The house was quiet, too quiet. It made me anxious.

I'm not supposed to be alone at a time like this.

After what we saw on the news yesterday I've been on my toes ever since. The gang was able to stop the investigations due to their connections but people still know.

The best thing I can do is stay on a low profile.

"What are you drinking?" A voice called. I slightly jumped and place a hand on my chest as Leo walks into the kitchen.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask him with a frown.

He smiles sheepishly and shrugs,"sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you," he says almost monotously.

I narrow my eyes at him, "that wasn't genuine."

"I know," he replies lightly.

"How'd you even get in?" I ask him as I place my mug on the surface of the island.

"You left the door open," he replies as he opens the fridge.

My eyes widen at his words, "what?"

How did I leave the door unlocked? What if someone broke in, or worse; an assassin. How could I have been so careless.

I walk to front door and lock it.

"Relax, this is a very safe building. No one was going to come in anyway," I hear Leo say from behind me.

I turn around to him and don't reply, I just walk back to the kitchen with him trailing behind.

"So where's hazel?" He asks and I prevent a smirk from forming on my lips.

Leo is Hazel's boyfriend and also our friend from school. We met him from Hazel. Both of them have been together for nearly three years.

Yesterday Leo showed up and decided to prank us with the usual, 'it's the police prank.' It was coinscidently aimed at the most accurate time. In conclusion, I nearly got a heart attack.

Leo is cute and I'd say well done to Hazel for snatching him before other girls could. He has brown skin with brown eyes and the cutest smile.

"She's upstairs," I tell him and he nods. "Where are you taking her?"

"On a date," he says with a grin and pops a grape into his mouth. "It's our three year anniversary today," he explains.

"Aww, so cute," I say monotously because I don't care and sip from my mug before I give him sour look.

He laughs, "aww come on Victoria, don't get all jealous." He mocks.

"I'm not jealous of Hazel," I say looking at him in fake disgust just to prove my point. "I'm jealous of your relationship," I say with a dramatic sigh and sit on a stool.

He stands across me and leans on the table, "what ever happened to that Tobi guy?"

I roll my eyes at the sound of his name, "he was just a waste of my time," I reply. "There's so many fake boys out there, it's hard to trust and love you know."

It's been five years and no I have not been single all through. For the first three years I was single and pretty good at keeping it that way.

The fourth year I met Tobi. He was cute, funny, caring, good looking and a little off what I wanted in a guy. At first I still wasn't over Asher so I kept comparing them but I grew off it and gave him a chance.

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