~safe In Your Arms~

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Kokichis pov.

"kokichi" shuichi said, walking into the living room. It was a Sunday, and shuichi was going back to school tomorrow... Meaning he will have to leave me. He came in and sat on the sofa, besides me. "s-somethimg wr-wrong?" I asked, not bothering to hide the  stuttering. I haven't bothered since Christmas, when I told  Shuichi I wouldn't hide my emotions or anything like that.
When I'm with him anyway.

"well, since I'm going to be at school again tomorrow." he started "do you want to come to? Everyone is waiting for you" shuichi smiled at me. He smiled that smile that made my heart go one hundred miles per hour. The smile made it hard to say no to him.

I pulled a face and looked away.

Shuichi wants me to show my real emotions... He wants me to be honest with him.

"of course, don't make the decision now, you can have tomorrow to think about it!" shuichi spoke up and I looked back over to him.

I put my arms up, signalling that I want a hug. Shuichi knew what that meant, so he moved over and hugged me. His arms wrapped around my waist. While my hands were resting on his chest and my head tucked into his chest to.

Desperate for his touch, for his safety.

For all I know the boy could hate me  guts, but.... I gusse in a way I didn't care. Not if he was the only one to help me.

"I don't hate you, not at all" shuichi whispered into my ear, before placing his head on my head.

Did I say that out loud?

"if anything, how I feel towards you is the complete opposite" the boy whispered again, now stroking my hair.

Shuichis pov


.....I love you...

But, I won't tell you that until....

...until your happy...

The next day:
Kokichis pov

"okay, I'll see you later okay?" shuichi said to me as he was about to leave the house. To go to school...
I nodded my head, wanting to beg him not to leave, for him to stay right next to me.

But I didn't say anything. He showed me a sad expression before leaving me alone.


I looked over at the clock.
It was half eight.
Shuichi would be back at half three.

Alone for seven hours.

Anything could happen in these hours.

I looked out a near by Window, and realised that I hadn't left the house since I got here. I was That scared...

This isn't even my house.

I took a deep breath before opening the door and leaving...

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