~the Important Part~

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Kokichis pov


Shuichis pov

didn't end up going to Kokichi house the next day, his mom turned me away.

It had been a week since the class had began to make that card for kokichi for when he comes. It also ment that he was ment to be joining our school today.

And yet, when I got to school he wasn't there. Not in the morning nor in the afternoon.

Mabey the teacher got the date mixed up.

After school, me and Kaede met up. Not like a date but she wanted to go shopping with me. Which I didn't mind.  We walked in a comfortable silence to the shopping place until we had actually got there. "since its nearly Christmas, I thought we could get people gifts" Kaede suggested, to which I agreeded. She flashed her grin before dragging me into a clothes shop. The second we walked into the shop Kaede had ran over to a light pink dress  and picked it up. "awww this would really suit miu" she smiled in awe at that dress. I noticed a light blush on her face.

Does ... Does she now like miu?

"what do you think shuichi!?" Kaede turned to me, showing the dress to me also as she asked.
"y-yes miu  would looked good in that" I agreeded, when I looked at the dress probably, the chest part had a low cut, showing quite a lot...in that area. The dress was also pretty short.
"oooo so you think miu would look good in this?" Kaede teased, pushing the dress closer to me. I closed my eyes in embarrassment. "orrrr you wish someone else wore it?" she then quizzed me.

Where is she getting that idea from?

"no?" I said, slightly confused.  The blonde girl hummed before placing the dress around her arm, I assumed she was going to get that miu.

Kokichis pov



Shuichis pov

"okay!" Kaede clapped her hands together. We were now standing in the middle of the shopping center, I was carrying thirteen bags, each for people in our class with one from Kaede and one thing from me. "I'll get you something when I'm by myself so you have a surprise on what it is." the girl explained "now we just need to get kokichi something! We can also get him a welcome present!"
"yeah.. That's a good idea." I smiled.

I'm gald some people care about kokichi.

We began walking around the shopping centre, trying to think of ideas on what to get kokichi. It could be both easy and hard to impress kokichi.

Most of the time, he acts like a child, carefree and just wanted to have a joke. While he can also be crazy and a manic.

"how about some pranks?" Kaede suggested, pointing to a prank shop. I nodded at the idea and we began walking there. On the way something in a shop window. "hey kaede" I said, catching her attention. She spun around on her heel and looked at me. "I'm gonna get that kokichi" I smiled, my face heating up a bit as I pointed at the object in the window. She looked over at it and back at me. She smiled and said "he'd love that, you it get him that and I'll go to the prank shop"

Kokichis pov


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