~shot put Ball~

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Shuichis pov

"wait... So let me get this straight! Your older then junko!?" Kaede exclaimed as she pointed as mukuro. The girl showed a small smile on her face and nodded. "woah.." Kaede whispered quietly, I let out a small laugh, even though I was also suprised myself.

Even thought all the trauma my class went thought, everyone seemed to be getting better.
There is the odd few questions about kokichi and where he is. It's been about four months since the game ended. And like I said, everyones doing a lot better to when we all woke up those months ago.
We all have mixed opinions about kokichi and we have no idea where he is right now.

There a few who hope he died.
Some of us just don't care
Then there's the worried ones and want him back with us. But the people who want Kokichi back, is unfortunately one four of us. And that three is me, Kaede, Kaito and himiko.

Then there's miu. She claims that she "doesn't give two fucks on the virgin ass gremlin." But then Kaede had found her crying in the school bathrooms or on The way home a few times. Crying for ouma.

She even came up with an invention to help find him. But maki snatched it out if her hands and destroyed it. She claimed:
"Its a wait of time and the shit head is hopeful dead." after maki had said that. Miu had sobbed and said "n-no! He's n-not he ca-cant be.... Its k-kokichi..."

She's been confusing everyone with things that she says about kokichi. One minute she's lying about not caring about him but then she's in tears and wanting him to be safe with her. But all I had seen out of the two of them in the game, they hated each others guts... Not including the times she was turned on by him... So when did she become like this to him? I don't understand anything-

There's Much against kokichi don't get me wrong. But they attempted to kill each other. Kokichi being the winner of that. I do wish that whole situation didn't happen. Gonta wouldn't of gotten killed and I couldn't have befriended Kokichi.
Actually, I wish we wasn't there in the first place.

"ummmm.. Shuichi?" I broke out of thought by Kaede's voice.
"s-sorry... You were saying?" I nervously laughed and played with the end of my sleeve.
Kaede rolled her eyes in a teasingly manner "class just ended, you were day dreaming all throughout class" she smiled.
I looked around the classroom and found it empty.
"o-oops?" I rubbed the back of my neck and looked up at the girl towering over me. She let out a small laugh and pulled me out of my seat. "come one, we have one more class! The you can day dream as much as you want" she laughed and lead us to our next class which was PE.

I normally sit out of this class since I'm not much of an phisical person. However, it was one of Kaede's favourite lessons. Second favorite apparently.
Music being her favourite.
Whish isn't much of a surprise. That is what her brain was made to think all about piano, for danganronpa.

It kinda sucks how we not actually 'ultimates' just higher leveled people then others.
But I guess I shouldn't make a deal about it since most of our knowledge is just uploaded into our brains.

"okay shuichi! I'll see you on the court!" Kaede sang and left me in the gym as she went to the changeing rooms to get changed. I smiled and went to sit on a chair near the exit door since we might be going out today.
Making me hate this lesson even more, the outdoors was never my kinda thing.

"ah saihara! Would you mind helping me take the equipment we're gonna be outside today?" my gym teacher asked. I looked up and nodded my head. I stood up and walked over to him.
"that's great, the shot put balls are just over  there bring one out at a time though. They are pretty heavy" he then pointed at a small container.
But I froze at the words 'shot put balls'
"s-shot puts?" I confirmed.
"that's right!"
"but ka-kaede??"
"what? She ill or something?"
"da-danganronpa..." I sighed.
"oh, she'll be fine" the teacher waved it off and walked out gym. My face sadden, hoping it wouldn't bother Kaede too much. The same with Tsumugi and Rantato..

After about ten minutes, eveyone on the class was outside, himiko already asleep on the side lines, next to me. The teacher explained on what they were all doing today. Not including me and himiko obviously. The whole time, Kaede, Rantaro and Tsumugi seemed scared, Uncomfortable and worried.

Kaede still thinks shes the one who killed rantaro, no matter how many times Tsumugi says it was her.

I watched as Kaede grew more and more pale as she watched the teacher throw the ball as an example. Rantaro was on her right and tsumugi on her left. The male was giving kaede a form of support since it  seemed to be keeping her up right and prevent from falling on the floor, if she passes out.

No one was actually listening to the teacher, instead thier eyes were on the three of them. The pianist, surviver and cosplayer.

"hey teach," Kaito spoke up. The teacher whipped his head around to face us all.
He looked annoyed.
He wasn't exactly found of our class since we normally talk and don't shut up.
But today was clearly different. "what?" the teacher sighed and dropped the shot put that was in his hands. The action made Kaede jump and fall into rantaro, who then helped her refind her balance.

"those three there clearly can't deal with shot puts, so let's just do something eles." Kaito used his thumb for direction of the three of them as he explained it. The teacher looked annoyed from this.
"the world doesn't revolve around your class. This is my class and I'll teach what I want! No exceptions for any of you just because your all famous." the gym teacher Yelled at us all. Waking himiko up in the process.
"typical degenerate male" Tenko snapped at the teacher, as himiko rubbed her eyes.
"Atua says we should do something else..." Angie sighed.
"yeah, truma is a thing you know.." Maki sighed.

The class continued as all the students ganged up on the teacher, some being nicer then others in the class.
A while into the argument, me and Kirumi slowly took Kaede, Rantaro and Tsumugi away from the rest and took them to the gym. Which was currently empty.

"you okay Kaede?" I asked as i handed her a bottle of water. She looked up to me, there was tears in her eyes, a rare sight to see when it was Kaede.
I gave her a pitiful look and led her into a corridor, away from everyone, making it only us two.

Kaede slid her back down the wall so she was sitting on the floor. "i-I..." she tried to get her words out. But she couldn't do it. Luckily, I had an idea on what she was trying to say. I let out an ever to quiet sigh and joined her in the floor "... Kaede..." I began, and she looked at me, wanting me to say something to her. "your so brave, what you did, was brave. No one hated you for what you did at all. You didn't even do it. You did it to save us. And... Its. Fine you know? Rantaros in the gym right now, breathing and so are the rest of our friends." I smiled faintly, realising that what I said at the end could be a lie due to Kokichis absence. She mirrored my actions and nodded, there was also a faint blush in her face. Kaede then rested her head on my shoulder.

I can't imagine what it's like to be in her shoes...

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