Chap 8

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The new morning brought new hopes for Zaid. He decided to be a stalker of Zarin. As Saad told him that Zarin works as a receptionist at Dr. Zara's clinic which was strictly for females he decided to go there and wait for her outside it. 

It has been a month now still Zaid use to stalk her. He notices one thing that Mahira drops Zarin first and then goes to her workplace. Even in the evening she would pick her up and in case she would not be able to make it then Dr. Zara would drop Zarin home and that to till her apartment and not just at the entrance gate. Zarin was never left alone for a minute.

Many a times a smile would creep on his lips when he would see Zarin hugging and kissing Mahira and also Mahira pinching her nose and pulling her cheeks. Mahira was the epitome of love, care, and motherhood through her actions. She would treat Zarin as a daughter. 

In this one month, Zaid never got the chance to meet Mahira personally as he was busy stalking Zarin and then in his Mafia work but his respect for Mahira was increasing with each passing day. He would get all the information about Mahira from Mr. Jabbar. 

Zaid also kept his best men as undercover security near their building and also bribe the secretary guard of the building to keep a watch on who comes and meets them. He notices that there was no guest ever for them for the past three months according to the building register. That is after Mahira's parent's death. He also notices that the lights of their house would be stitched off by 11 pm normally.

After a month Zaid got time to meet Mahira in his office at lunchtime. He decided to go and talk to her as she was nowhere seen in the canteen. After inquiring about her from Jabbar he headed to the 10th floor where she was working. 

He stopped in his track when he saw one of his managers who was in his mid 40's was starting at Mahira with lust full of eyes. His eyes travel to Mahira and he saw that it was her back facing them. She was so busy with her work that she did not notice their presents.

He quietly walked towards the manager who was still busy staring at her and did not notice Zaid's presence. Zaid stood behind him and change his vocal a bit and asked, "acchi lagi" (Did you like it) the manager without noticing Zaid's presence as his eyes were still glued on Mahira with full of lust said, "aachi? Kayamat hai. dil karta hai  usko baho mai le kar apni raate rangin karu." (Like? She is extremely hot. My heart says I should hug her and enjoy my night with her.)

Hearing this Zaid lost his temper and stood in front of the manager and punch him hard on his face. The punch was so hard that the manager fell on the floor and blood coming out from the corner of his lips. 

Mahira who was doing her work quickly stood up on the notice of the noise and look at them. Even Saad and Jabbar came there. The manager stood up scared as he saw Zaid's eyes red with anger. Though Zaid was a Mafia leader but he always respected women like Mahira, Zarin, and his office employees who would love to work with dignity and earn and fulfill their and their family needs.

"You are fired" saying this Zaid left from there. While walking pass Jabbar he looks at him also in anger. Jabbar knew he was screw today because he was supposed to keep eye on Mahira and her moves so it was natural he would have noticed this earlier also but did not inform him.

Mahira would always feel uncomfortable with this manager but decided to keep quiet. But today Mahira felt relieved at this because she had seen the manger and his lustful eyes daily but ignored it because he was an employee of Khan Industries and she never wanted to create any scene over here as she knew, she is just over here for two or three months and then would go from here and would not have to face him. 

Saad followed Zaid in his office and after knowing the reason why Zaid fired the manager Saad felt guilty. Because he was the one who called Mahira as aapi and could not protect her from such a bastard. 

 Saad was so much busy with work as neither Asad nor Zaid was in the office, so it was difficult to keep in touch with Mahira. Saad decided to go and meet Mahira and apologize for it. 

He stood up from his seat and was about to open the door to walk out but before that, they heard a knock on the door. Saad opens the door and saw Mahira standing there with a blueprint.

Saad allowed her to walk in and Zaid gestures her to sit. After greeting 'Asslam Walikum' and getting the reply back from the Khan brothers she opened the blueprint which was for Zaid's cabin and showed him. 

He was highly impressed by her and praise her when Zaid gave her the approval to continue with it she decided to leave but Saad stops her and apologizes to her. "I am sorry Aapi I did not know this otherwise he would a long time have gone from here."

Mahira nobbed and said, "it's ok, and you please don't apologize as it was not your fault " but cutting her off Zaid said, "Miss Malik this is not ok. I would request you to please treat me as your friend and share your inconveniences and awkwardness in Khan industries with me so I can rectify them in my way." She nobbed in yes with a smile on her face and then left from there after greeting "Allah Hafiz." 

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