Part 31

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Hi dear readers, this chapter contains abuse language and torture scene in it. So if you are not ok with it then you can skip this chapter. 


When Asad left for Khan Hospital along with his and Zaid's bag, Saad and Zaid left for their base as the peon was brought over there by Swami. They entered the cell and the peon shiver seeing Zaid. He had heard about Zaid being related to Mafia but was not sure, but today he witnesses it. Varun had already kept all the instruments ready as he knew through Swami and Aksay who the peon was.

Zaid sat in front of that peon who was tied on a chair. Zaid pulled his tape from his mouth and he winches in pain. Saad stood along with Varun behind Zaid and Swami behind the peon.

The cheek of the peon was red with a fingerprint on it indicating that all the hospitality has already started by them. Zaid gave him a deadly glare and asked,

Zaid: I know that day you call Mahira madam but I just want to know who told you to call her.

The peon did not utter a word. So Zaid extended his hand and the next moment a dagger was kept on his palm. He started moving that on his jawline and stops at his neck digging it deep inside. A stream of blood started flowing.

He winches in pain as it was digging deeper. Zaid was losing his patience. He also had to go to the hospital as his love was still critical so he just wanted to finish this fast. His eyes turn bloodshot red. He would have ripped him by now if he had said the early. But this peon dared to keep quiet and test his patience which he could not bear. So he yelled.


The peon had tears flowing from his eyes because of pain but was not ready to speak. Zaid gave a look to Saad and Saad picked up a knife and made a cut on his arm, then on his tights. Blood started flowing like water. Saad picked up the gun and pointed at his temple.

The peon was scared for his life now so he finally said,

Peon: agar maine uska naam bola to aap please muje jane doge. (if I say the name then will you please leave me)

Zaid and Saad gave a look and Saad spoke

Saad: Naam bol (say the name?)

Peon: Manager Abhishek

Saad and Zaid looked at each other as they got confused about why would manager tell him and from which department was this manager. Because Khan industries had around 60 senior and junior managers altogether only in their main head office other branches and cities and countries were different.

Saad: Kon hai woh, konse department mai kaam karta hai. (who is he and in which department he works)

Peon: Zaid sir has fired him because of Mahira madamji

And that click them who he was. Zaid tightens his fist and clench his jaw and said,

Zaid: address and phone number now

The peon kept quiet and Zaid stood up from his chair and punch him on his face making the blood come out from his mouth. His teeth broke off his left side.

The dagger which Zaid was still holding cut his shoulder and then dig it inside his skin of shoulder making him scream because of pain.

Finally, the peon gave the address and phone number and Swami moved out of the cell and went with Hamza and Hassan to bring him along with three more men.

Saad punches the peon in his stomach and then left with Zaid to their office as Swami would take at least half an hour to bring him.

Zaid was spacing in his office and anger was on its extreme level, as he wanted to go to the hospital to see his love but right now he is her because of this peon and manager.

Saad too made a vow that this time the manager will pay for the stunt he has put.

The manager was blindfold and brought over there. He was made to sit in the same cell and tide with one chair and his lips too had tape on it.

Hamza entered Zaid's office after a knock and informed them that the manager was there. Zaid quickly made his way to the cell followed by Saad and Hamza. He signals Varun to open the blindfold.

The manager opens the eyes and closes it again because of the brightness and then slowly opens it again adjusting to the light.

He was shocked would be an understatement after seeing Zaid and Saad in front of him. He turns his head to the right and saw the peon bleeding from most of the parts of the body.

He understood seeing the peon that this stupid fellow has open out his mouth in front of them.

Zaid sat down on the chair and pulled the tape which was on the manager's lips.

Zaid: seeing him you have understood that why are you brought here. I just want to know why you did this? and who paid you for doing this?

The manager did not open his mouth and was sitting quietly. Zaid had already lost patient, so he picked up a plucker and pull the nail of the manager's right-hand first finger. He yelled in pain

Zaid: open your mouth and speak otherwise And again plucked the second nail from his left finger this time floor was seen everywhere.

Saad punches his jawline and a sound of crack was heard. He took a hockey stick which was kept and hit him on his leg-breaking his bone. The manager was yelling in pain

Zaid: I'm asking you for the last time why you did this? Why you paid this peon to call Mahira madam, what was your plan. Finally, the manager spoke in his extreme pain

Manager: Sir I wanted to teach her a lesson because of that s*** I lost my job.

As soon as Saad and Zaid heard him cursing her with a name Saad took the gun and shot him on his shoulder and then turn the dagger on his wound to make him screamed out of the pain.

Zaid: mind your language before you say the next word. Because if this time you do sometimes like this you won't be alive

Manager and peon got scared they had heard about them and mafia connection but they never knew that he was the Mafia king

Zaid: continue

Manager: I lost my job so I wanted revenge. I knew she comes every day to the office. I bride the peon and said, the day when she does not come to the office that day you call me and he did. That day she never came to the office so the peon called me and I told him to call her. Because I had seen her sincerity towards work. So if she is not there then the reason should be big I assumed. I told the peon to call her and say that you are not allowing her employees to work. And he did and to my good luck, she never calls any of her office staff and this peon said that who are busy in a meeting and according to the rules nobody is allowed to up the calls in meeting as everyone's phone is on silent mode. I assumed that if she comes and fights with you then you will take away the contract from her and her company has to pay the refund which to pay back she has to sell her company and will be on street. No job no money. And he chuckles.

Seeing his audacity to chuckle. Zaid punched him on his stomach

Zaid: do you know which trouble you have put yourself in. just sit here and pray that the stunt which you have put in has made someone else suffer. So if that person does not get fine you are out.

Peon never understood what does he meant by out so he asked stammering a bit

Peon: o..ou..out.. mat..Matlab

Varun: Out Matlab zindagi se hath dho baithna. (lose your life)

And gesture slighting his head and bringing his hand near his neck and showing as dead.

Zaid stood up and ordered Varun and Swami to take care of them and shift them to different cells and ordered that also, that they should not be dead. Because if something happens to his love he will kill them with his own hands and all the men Swami, Varun, Hassan, Hamza nob and said 'yes boss' in unison.

Zaid went with Saad to the hospital. Where he saw some hustle-bustle was going on and then when he entered the room he came to know what it was and help Mahira to fight the battle of bringing his queen, his love back.

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