Part 66

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After recalling the flashback Zaid looked at Zarin and she was yawning but, she was trying hard to keep her eyes open while smiling at Zaid. So, Zaid smiled and decided to speak.

Zaid: Princess it's already 1 now, come let's sleep.

Zarin looked at him and yawn again and Zaid chuckled at her, he then pinch her nose lightly and said

Zaid: Princess I don't want us to look like zombie's tomorrow so please princess let's sleep

Zarin looked at him with those sleepy eyes and cute pout and asked

Zarin: and what about the story. I want to know Zaidji how you join the mafia.

Zaid chuckled at her cuteness and then slowly came forward and kiss her forehead and let his lips stay over there for a few seconds and then pull back and said

Zaid: Princess I have promised you I will tell you, so how can I forget my promise, but princess even you have promised me that you will not exhaust yourself.

Zarin nob with a small smile as he was right and then said

Zarin: Zaidji then when will you continue this story.

Zaid looked at her, and he gave her a quick peak and said

Zaid: Princess on Sunday, because tomorrow we have our reception and after coming from the banquet hall I'm sure we will be tried, so we won't be able to continue it, but on Sunday afternoon I will continue.

Zarin smiled at him, and then kissed on his cheek and then slowly turn to get down from the bed. Zaid notice her and quickly said

Zaid: where are you going princess?

Zarin looked at him but did not say a word. But Zaid understood so he spoke

Zaid: Princess you want to go to the washroom

Hearing him she looked at him and just nob her head feeling a little embrace. Zaid stood up from the bed, and then he picked her up in bridal style and took her to the washroom. After keeping her down he said

Zaid: princess I am standing out, so once you are done just call me, I will come in, but please don't try to walk here alone.

Zarin did not utter a word but just nob her head. Zaid stood out leaning on the door. Zarin completed her chores and decide to slowly walk, so holding the counter she started taking baby steps and reached the door and open it. Zaid lost his balance as he was leaning and was not prepared for this so he was about to fall on Zarin but quickly stood straight and hold Zarin from her waist so that she does not fall. Their eyes locked and Zaid slowly looked towards her lips. He wanted her but had to control his feeling. Zarin understood and slowly lower her gaze which brought Zaid out from his trance, and made him angry seeing her like this. Zaid did not utter a word and slowly lifted her in his arms and then brought her to the bed and made her sit on the bed with the stretch legs.

Zarin could feel his angry gaze on her. Zaid kept on staring at her making her feel uncomfortable and she stammered while speaking

Zarin: Zaidji... I ... uhmm...

But Zaid did not allow her to speak and he spoke, his voice was stern which held concern and anger.

Zaid: Princess I told you not to walk then why did you put this stunt.

Zarin thought he is scolding her so she lowered her gaze a few tears rolled down her eyes and the droplet was seen on the backside of her palm which was on her lap.

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