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I ended up not sleeping that night. When Saturday morning came I was sat in the sofa in the living room still texting Taehyung. It was a combination of my body genuinely putting up an effort to not share a bed with Martin and my mind wanting to get to know my soulmate who was half a world away from me. I still hadn't brought up the fact that I knew they were a band, and especially not the fact that I had a shelf in my office dedicated to their music. There's a time and place for everything.

When Martin woke up, the confusion on his face as he walked out to find me on the sofa was upsetting. I didn't mean to hurt him. I wanted nothing more than for him to be happy and joyful and full of love. I absolutely hated how my body treated him like a virus it needed to reject.

"I couldn't sleep" I explained, he nodded and made his way to the kitchen.

Martin was a man of few words. He took most things at face value. His love language was physical touch, as was mine. We both knew me sitting as far away from him in that sofa was something unnatural in this relationship. I didn't have to speak the words to know that he knew something was up when I joined him in the kitchen and sat at the opposite end of the kitchen island instead of wrapping my arms around him and kissing his neck. He didn't turn around to meet my gaze while he made breakfast, but the way his shoulders were raised and his neck was tensed told me everything I needed to know. He had noticed the change in atmosphere and was worried.

"Did anything happen?" He asked calmly, still not turning to look at me.

I sighed, not really sure how to respond. Nothing had happened. Not physically. But at the same time, everything had happened. There wasn't an easy explanation to what was happening to me. I couldn't tell him how I had sat awake all night listening to Jimin singing sweetly in my head while Taehyung had sent me messages explaining this big explosion of a love story between the seven of them, describing me as the new chapter of their never ending romance novel.

I wouldn't say I was in love with them, I couldn't say that without knowing them. But the butterflies, the tingles in my chest whenever I heard their voices, or saw a notification from them. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt, and just in the half day I had known them, I knew I was longing for them. As if I had suddenly realised I had been in a desert and they were a drink of water, just out of reach.

"Nothing in particular, no" I answered, the air around us heavy with the unspoken words. I hadn't really thought of how this would go yet. Hell, it had only been a day, at this point the only thing I had actually thought of was how upsetting it was that my feelings had changed for him so quickly. And without me having any say in the matter.

"You're upset"

It sounded like the voice had come from behind me and I turned around before realising it was in my head. It sounded like Seokjin.

I hadn't figured out how to speak in the soul connection without speaking out loud yet so I couldn't answer him. I just let the echo of his voice fall silent within the walls of my mind.

"Are you alright?" He asked once more. I didn't say anything. Kept my eyes glued on Martin's back as my thoughts raced through my head trying to figure out what I should do about the worried man in my mind.

My phone dinged with a notification. A message from Taehyung lit up the screen.

*Take your phone to your ear. Jin wants to talk*

I looked at the screen, not really grasping the situation. Another message came in.

*He doesn't like being ignored, please talk to him*

I rolled my eyes, and texted back *fine*

15 seconds later Jin was back.

"Talk to me, what's going on?" His voice was stern.

"Sorry I gotta get this" I said to Martin and pointed to my phone, even though he was still frying eggs with his back to me. I put my phone to my ear and walked slowly out of the living room.

"There's nothing wrong why do you think there's anything wrong?" I whispered as soon as I was away from the kitchen

"I feel stressed beyond relief and I am currently looking at the rest of our soulmates. It's not them"

So he could sense my stress? What was this soulmate stuff? Did I have no private life anymore? I should ask them more questions so that I won't be surprised like this again.

"You can feel when I'm stressed?"

"Some call it a curse some call it a blessing. Why are you stressed? Tell the truth."

"I've just got a lot on my mind is all. I'm not in danger or anything"

Martin walked into the living room with a plate of eggs and toast placing it in front of me.

"Thank you" I mouthed, pretending I was still on the phone.

"Who is it?" He mouthed back.

I pretended it was work and he nodded understandingly as he sat down in the sofa next to me, fuck.

"I'm sorry sir, I haven't had enough time to figure out if I want to work on your project yet. I've given it some thought the past 15 hours but I kinda already have a project I've been working on for a long time and I think there would be several upset parties if I just up and left said project to join yours just like that. So I'm torn. But if it's any consolation, there's not much desire left to work on this previous project now that I know of your offer. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to get back to my breakfast."

I put down my phone and grabbed my plate, stuffing my mouth with the bread as fast as I could to not say something stupid. The voice in my head went from 1 to 7 and they were all talking over each other.

"Why won't she talk to us?"

"Did she get a call from her boss?"

"Does she want our help on these projects? Maybe we can help her do both!"

"We're the project you idiots" a voice spoke louder than the others and everything went silent for a moment. I tried to keep my calm as I ate my food, giving happy hums as the warm meal hit my tongue. 

Complete us - A BTS ot7+1 Soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now