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A once known as a constantly comforting sight was filling me with dread as I took in the sight of my soulmates in front of me. Never before had I thought I'd stare between seven pairs of eyes belonging to men I truly cared for and fear for the destiny of my future.

Pain was evident in their appearances, their eyes, how their hair was fluffed up from pulling their fingers through it one too many times. Anger had their chests rising and doubt had their gazed faltering when I met them. They were propped full of emotion, and where I usually could look at Jungkook to see the colourful spectrum of emotion to decode the atmosphere of the situation, I now saw nothing.

The lack of bond between us painfully evident once I realised it was only silent because I couldn't hear them.

My mother had always told me, when you don't know how to approach something you find difficult, you should step back, take a breath and see if you can change your perspective. And had I listened to her, I probably would have been sitting in a hallway somewhere with my face buried in my hands and tears threatening to fall as I thought about what to say to my soulmates when I considered myself ready to confront them. Which would probably be sometime next year.

But I didn't even have a second to consider trying to escape this situation before Jimin's voice rang loudly through the apartment.


It caught everyone by surprise, not just me. But he didn't look at anyone else. His eyes were fixed on mine and his steps were slowly moving him towards me, the dominance in his stance too overpowering for me to do anything but cower where I stood.

My mind and body was prepared for impact. Not necessarily of the physically violent type, I wasn't at all expecting Jimin to hit me or push me or anything. But the way he was looking at me as he walked towards me, made me feel small and I awaited words cutting through my skin and mind like a sharp knife. And I welcomed the expectation as I believed with my entire being that I deserved it.

He stopped about a metre in front of me before he sighed.

"I trusted you to hold a part of me." He said before his dominance took a 360 and tears welled up in his eyes as he turned to run down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

His words pained the inside of my scull as I watched him disappear into Taehyung's room and heard the door shut loudly behind him.

"Are you hungry?" Jin's voice rang from closer than expected and I turned to see he too had stepped towards me.

I shook my head no and he nodded but walked to the kitchen nonetheless mumbling that he'd be cooking anyways. The lack of emotion in his voice painfully obvious and it made me ache trying to keep myself from running after him.

I was left in the hallway with Yoongi and Namjoon who stood awkwardly on one side and Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung huddled up on the other side, an almost unnoticed separation between the two groups, but I noticed. Jungkook had tears falling down his cheeks and the only thing that stopped me from going over to him and brushing them away was the sight of Taehyung's hand in his, caressing his skin comfortingly, because I knew Taehyung's gift would help him if he needed it.

But Jungkook let go of his hand.

In long strides his body almost floated towards me before he was stood close enough for me to smell the scent of him against my own. I couldn't see anything because his chest had taken up my view right before he wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body to his in a hug. He was warm, he smelled of sleep and floral shampoo, then his body started shaking as he cried into our embrace and my arms instinctually shot out to hug him back as the man fell apart while holding me.

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