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Jungkook's POV

I honestly didn't think I could remember a time where I was as happy as I was now. Perhaps there was a time when I was a child, naive and oblivious to what life could offer and completely content with what I had at hand, that could compare to the happiness coursing through me these days, but I doubted it was as good then as it is now anyway.

It's like whenever I'm in a room that holds all my soulmates, a current runs through me that satisfies every need I could have, emotionally and physically. It was strong, overpowering almost, but also lingering and hidden, a constantly present background with an adaptive volume button.

Before Hannah had turned 20 I had thought that the feeling of being with the guys was the highest point of my life. The love I held for them and still hold for them without a doubt the strongest I've ever loved anyone in my life. But once Hannah came into the picture I've come to realise it was almost like she enhanced everything I was feeling. Not just towards her, but towards all my soulmates. Like her presence in our bond made the entire connection stronger, more vivid and colourful.

The happiness I was feeling could also of course have a link to how I've been able to just relax and write music and hang out in the studio for the past week. Some proper relaxation does definitely do something to your perspective.

But I was happy, and in turn I was happy that I was happy. And that is not a bad circle to be stuck in any day of the week.

The song Yoongi and I are writing with PiBlo had me more excited about writing music than I'd been for months. I had ended up in a rut after writing a song with Jimin where I ended up devastated over not being confident about the result. The song turned out bad when I really wanted it to be great and it effectively broke my confidence in song writing.

After that I'd dreaded trying to start writing something else because I was afraid it would turn out as bad as that one. Not that I didn't write bad songs that ended up in the discard pile before, but somehow the one with Jimin just hit me differently.

Writing lyrics with Piblo and Yoongi however, was simply enchanting to be honest. PiBlo was an incredibly talented songwriter and producer. I'd listened to his music for years before I manned up and reached out for contact information to message him. Once I got his email it took me another month before I actually wrote him anything.

I messaged him like a fan, but signed my own name on the bottom of the email. Playing it safe just in case he had heard of me, and to my surprise it turned out PiBlo liked our music a lot.

This was about a year ago, but we've been corresponding back and forth ever since and it's been fun getting to know another artist that I truly admire. PiBlo was everything I knew he was and then some. With a tightly rooted social anxiety he had created a bunch of different personas he wrote music under, not wanting too much recognition under any of the names. He also doesn't really do live shows, is confident in his belief that some artists makes music that should be enjoyed live. Other artists make music that is meant to be enjoyed while lying in bed.

He is naturally a part of the latter category whereas I am part of the first.

The performance he would be doing with us at the festival would be under a brand new name, which he was intent on discarding after crediting this one song. He admitted quickly he didn't want as much attention to him as he worried he could get if he used one of his old personas for the appearance. It was his choice, I was just feeling privileged that I got to work with him.

Working with him was an opportunity on many levels. It was a way to practice my English pronunciations, it let me see how he expertly mixed his tracks and how his mind worked to make intricate levels within the music. The way he worked was beautiful, almost poetic and I was so lost in his attention to detail.

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