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Hannah's P.O.V

"It's strange hearing your voice outside my head" I mumbled as I sat on my bed watching hoseok move his clothes from his suitcase and into a dresser. I hadn't taken much of anything with me when I left my apartment so most of the storage in the room was vacant. I didn't want to call it my room anymore because it honestly didn't feel like it. It felt like ours. All of ours'. I couldn't explain it, but waking up this morning it didn't feel like Taehyung and Jungkook sleeping in my bed. It felt like the three of us sleeping in our bed. And now with Hoseok here, he just naturally fit into every thought that had previously included Jungkook, Taehyung and I.

"I know what you mean. It's weird seeing your face. None of the guys know what you look like, you know."

"Wait, what? No, I didn't know that!" The surprise was genuine, Taehyung has been randomly snapping pictures of me constantly, and he'd even admitted to sending a couple of them to the guys. Was he lying?

"No he didn't lie, hold on, let me show you" He said. Would I ever get used to him naturally holding a conversation including both my spoken words and my thoughts?

Hoseok got up from the floor and scooped his phone out of his pocket as he walked over and sat down next to me pointing the screen of his phone for me to see. Two pictures was all he had. Both of me, but neither showing my face. If I hadn't known it was me it could honestly have been any blonde girl with a similar bodily structure.

"Taehyung sent us these in an attempt to satisfy our curiosity, but he's been adamant on not sending pictures that reveal your identity. Just in case they end up in the wrong hands." Hoseok sighed amorously and I could almost sense the pride he felt about his caring and detail oriented soulmate.

"Taehyung seems to have been looking out for me far more than I've been aware of." I whisper as I lean my head on Hoseok's shoulder wrapping my arms around his arm to have him close.

"He's a carer, a worrier, a thinker. It's his thing to consider all outcomes and do his best to stop the bad ones from happening." Hoseok was definitely lost in thought of his soulmate but so was I.

"So that's his skill? His power? He sees potential outcomes and finds ways to avoid the ones he doesn't want?" Sounds like a badass thing to have if he can use it in all parts of his life.

Hoseok chuckled and fell backwards on the bed pulling me with him so we were laying next to each other staring up at the dark canopy. "No, that's not it." The sound of Hoseok's voice was almost so distractingly beautiful that I was tempted to close my eyes and fall asleep to it. But I must admit I got immediately curious about what Taehyung's skill really was.

"Taehyung heals." Hoseok paused for a second before continuing. "Both emotionally and physically, he can effectively heal you to lift or ease the pain you feel inside or quite literally stitch you up. He only uses it when he's asked to though, not wanting to rob someone of their feelings even if they're big and bad. He's good at knowing when to offer it and when it's not his place to"

I nodded and was silently processing the information. Wondering intently why he hadn't offered to heal my heartbreak when we first met, why he'd let me be mad at myself and at the universe. If it's true as Hoseok says that he has a good intuition on when he should and shouldn't offer up his help, what could the reason have been to not offer to make this alteration to my life easier to step in to.

I looked over at Hoseok who seemed to be memorising my appearance millimetre by millimetre as his eyes traveled slowly like a turtle across my facial features. Just his stare left me breathless and I couldn't help but stop every thought swimming inside my head to lose myself in the visual that was Hoseok.

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