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Yoongi's POV

"I thought you forgot me" Jin called from across the long field of bright green grass and vividly coloured wildflowers, he was running towards me with a laugh frozen on the tip of his lips.

"Jimin was struggling to sleep. He's anxious about the trip" I began to explain as his body crashed into mine in an embrace effectively pushing the breath out of my lungs.

"You're so good at taking care of him, I'm so lucky to have such a caring boyfriend." He whispers in my ear, the sound of his voice resonating within the walls of my mind like a choir in a church.

Jin and I rarely had time for these kinds of dates anymore. Our days were busy and our nights were dedicated to sleep. A dream realm date never really hit high enough on the list of priorities for us to actually go through with one.

Back when Jin and I were the only soulmates in the group I remember this being the only place we could be ourselves. In the beginning it was because we feared the reaction of the rest of the guys if they found out we were soulmates, then it just became our way of spending time together. Discovering a way to be stupidly in love without anyone knowing we were together was almost addictive at first, then when we realised we were all soulmates, we all developed different ways of sharing that love with each other, and with Jin and I, this was ours.

We traveled the world, ate every food we could think of, counted stars in the night sky then swam around them out in space. Jin made me see the real world as an intriguing place by showing me what our imaginations of the places were. I wanted to travel to get the details right. To share them with him. In our own world.

Looking around me, our surroundings changed. The night sky had taken the place of the bright sun as it was hovering over us in a blanket of stars. The ground was clad in moss and bushes, almost warm underneath my feet. A tent was raised next to a large tree, fairy lights and pillows visible from the entrance, inviting us in. Jin let go of me only to weave his fingers between mine and smile warmly at me as he lead me into the tent.

"I didn't plan anything other than this" Jin said, making himself comfortable on the pillows next to me, throwing his free arm around my shoulders letting me cuddle into his side.

"It's been a while since we just watched the stars" I breathed into his chest and imagined the view of the stars above the tent, making an opening in the roof for us to see the night sky above us.

"I've missed us like this" Jin spoke, looking down to me with his warm eyes. I leaned up to him and pecked his lips slowly.

"Let's not wait this long until next time" I agreed when I cuddled back into his side.

This was our dynamic, taking comfort in each other. Sometimes that meant ranting until our heads were out of words, other times it meant just being there physically for each other.

I felt Jin's fingers rake through my hair before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I've been thinking about our trip tomorrow..." He said

"Yeah, and?" I asked, enjoying the sight of our legs entwined in front of us and the feeling of him next to me.

Then Jin didn't answer.

I looked up in confusion and saw the loving warm expression that had rested on his face the entire night had changed into something else. Tears were silently streaming down his face, his mouth was halfway open and shivering as the whisper of words seemed to be trying to get out but he hadn't found the strength to let them. I jumped up to face him properly, took his face between my hands and stared into his eyes in panic trying to figure out what was wrong.

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