Chapter 14

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Word Count: 4062



Charcoal eyes steadily narrowed as they followed the couple leaving the main grounds. Even from his youthful perspective, he could see that there had been a subtle shift in the relationship. And Kota didn't like it. Not one bit.

Your malice had seemed fizzled out over the weeks that the two of you had been here, but for Kota, it only grew from a pesky flame into a raging inferno thanks to Tenko. He helped keep the young boy in check. The white-haired male gave constant reminders to Kota about the damage and horror that really was this village. And for the first time, Kota understood why Tenko was always harping on him about what the Musutafu tribe had done to his own. 

Without it, perhaps he too would be like you. Falling for their tricks. Forgetting and forgiving these monsters.

Or maybe something else was at play. Maybe blondie issued the shaman to conjure something up to make (Y/N) like this. He definitely wouldn't put it past the bastard to stoop down that low if it meant getting what he wanted.

"Looks like (Y/N) is finally starting to settle in." Ashido breathed out in a sigh of relief.

Waving a meaty bone in the air, Kirishima shared the female's sentiment, "Took him long enough to make her feel comfortable now." 

Tearing her golden suns off the couple a devious smile peaked upon her lips, "Do you know what he's going to make for her?"

"Well, based on the number of pelts he brought back with him, it's gotta be somethin' big. He's been pretty tight lip about the whole wedding."

Releasing a mewl of disappointment, Ashido stabbed at the potatoes at her plate, "Ei, you have to get something out of him soon about it...the elders are starting to get antsy about the whole thing, especially since," radiant canary orbs glanced at the child at the table, who was seemingly appeared to be invested in his food, before returning to her older companion, "you know." 

"Trust me I've tried, I even heard Masaru had tried to get something out of Bakugou on their trip today and he got nothing," the vibrant redhead gruffed out before taking a ravenous bite of his food, "We're all waiting on (Y/N), not Bakugou." 

"She's from a different tribe." Ashido groaned out. 


Huffing, the annoyance with her partner's lack of awareness in this situation spiked, "And do you really think Bakugou would have the brain to tell her she has to accept him in order for the wedding to happen?" 

Kirishima's chewing stopped for a moment, reviewing his omia's statement. Swallowing, a rough cough cleared his throat, "I'm sure he is waiting for the right moment to tell her." 

"There's never going to be a right moment for something like that when you're from another tribe. In your own words, Bakugou needs to man up and do something about it before the elders get involved. They are going to want them married and hopefully have (Y/N) carrying before we go back to-" 

"They are well on their way to getting to it Mina, you saw them just now. She'll accept him soon enough." 

Suddenly, a wet sensation hit Kirishima's strong jaw followed by a childish laugh, "You really think (Y/N) will accept him? Let alone any of you? Yeah, right!" 

Although Kota doubted his own words concerning your true outlook on the tribe, he wasn't going to let it show. He was going to be as stubborn as a whale and grind it into his current 'care takers' minds that (Y/N) still hated everyone's guts just like he did. 

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