Chapter 16

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Word Count:  4241



"Come on Bakugou, you're better than this," A languid vocalist serenaded into the shell of the blond's ear, "Much better than this."

A wrench on the thick cold metal coil around his neck made him confront a face he longed to forget.

The bloody gaze that twinkled with pure unadulterated enjoyment and crinkled lips tugged up into a wicked smile, "Now, now, don't start crying on me."

Flinching as a dry digit dragged through the wet streak on his cheek, Bakugou did his best to settle his quaking body and steel his gaze. He knew that it was pointless to talk back to the dreaded shaman toying with him. 

With the heavy metal muzzled plastered across the bottom half of his face, he knew that his fiery rebates would only be turned into incoherent sounds. He couldn't even fight back the corrupted man's desert touch due to the iron manacles and gyves that hugged his limbs. It was a pointless venture to even struggle against them.

Bakugou had learned that ages ago.

He was rendered down into nothing. All he had at his command worth value was his fortitude, but even that was crumbling away.

A sharp nail itched into Bakuogu's skin, eager to paint it with small red streaks, "Ah, now there's a face I like to see. That hatred, determination, vengeance-- it's truly villainous. It's a shame you couldn't see it."

Ripping his hand away, sparks of light bounced off his arid pale palm, "If you did, maybe things would be different."

Bakugou couldn't contain his bite any longer. Screams and cries of rage were muffled to that of a whisper behind that damn mask.

"Oh? You want a closer look?"

Full of whimsy, that dreaded sparking hand was brought an inch away from the blond's visage. Quickly, Bakugou turned his face away from the hot hand that crackled lively. Despite the pain it created, Bakugou's own hands flexed in response to the sight mimicking forgotten positions he once used almost daily.

A broad manic grin steadily disintegrated into an awful scowl. 

Ripping his hand away, the snapping and popping abruptly went quiet. His captor wasn't pleased. Not one bit. Seething, another furious tug on Bakugo's collar brought the blond's attention back to that vile man. Baby blue hair curtaining the sides of his face as he leaned in dangerously close. Bakugou could now smell his potent dusty and rotten aroma even through the metal that encased his nose.

"You're all soft now," bloodstained puddles frantically searching for a semblance of something within Bakugou, "that stupid girl is making you lose your edge. Your fight."

Letting go of the chain, heavy feet padded away from Bakugou in the dark place, disappearing in the swarthy world that surrounded them.

Sweat broken, Bakugou went to work on his escape while he had a rare moment of isolation. Raising his arms steel embraced arms, he brought them down with force onto the chain of his gyves. A shrill ring of metal against metal proved that he had met his mark but one hit would not be enough. Repeating the motion, Bakugou refused to stop until he broke the chain that hindered his bottom half of movement.

He could feel the rope burn on his torso due to his movements. The wooden pole he was tied to gifting him with hundreds of splinters. The sweat dripping down from his furrowed brow land. The sound of his heart pounding through his ears. Feeling each pump of blood through his body radiating from his heart.

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