Chapter 7

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Word count: 4123



Waking up to an empty bed meant two things.

One, it meant that Bakugou had yet to return from his escapade, and two, it meant that Kota successfully slept through the night at Kirishima's.

Getting up from the bed, you finally took in your new dwelling. Taking in the area, you could tell that Bakugou was someone who lived a simple life. His hut held only the necessities for life-- a bed, a fire pit in the center, weapons, a few chests, and a desk with random mixtures on it. Few items on display had hints of his personality.

The items that did give hints to his inner self were borderline morbid. Different pelts of animals hung on the walls and were given special treatment compared to the pelts that made up your clothing and bedding. In addition, there was a range of carefully handled animal teeth and skulls. Seeing all of the various hunting trophies he had collected over the years, you couldn't help but feel even tinier.

Bakugou was a man who made the world bow to him. He feared nothing. He never met an opponent he couldn't defeat. He was always seeking to prove that he is the best of the best. But, every person has their flaws and the omnipotent Bakugou was no exception.

Waltzing around the room, you couldn't help but feed into your temptation about learning more about your tempered fiance without his knowledge. If you were lucky you could even find something he didn't want you to know. He didn't bother asking you permission when he went through your stuff, so why should you?

Kneeling in front of one of the three chests you were surprised by how heavy the wooden top actually was. Heaving it up, you propped the lid open with the use of the wall before searching for something that would give you more intel into who Bakugou was. Your lips dipped down seeing that the treasure in this chest which was nothing more than clothes, but you knew better than to write off the piles of fabric.

You flipped your way through the clothing carefully, making sure not to mess up the piles too much while you searched pockets and the linings of the clothing. If someone had something to hide, clothing was always a good place to start. Your scouring was made easier thanks to Bakugou's surprisingly neat set up, a quirk that had caught your attention during your first look over of the place. Everything had a place.

First discovery-- Bakugou was a neat freak.

Disappointed that there was nothing more than lint and loose threads in the first chest you slammed it shut moving to the next one. Opening the chest, you found that it was more promising than the previous one.

It was filled with more personal items and they looked like they hadn't seen the light of day in years. Poking your way through the items you pulled out the items that intrigued you the most: an odd drum set, a set of painted papers, and a strange set of metal braces.

Drumming your fingers over the thick leather of the drums you started to go through the papers. Most were of symbols and patterns that you had seen painted on different homes. The meaning of the patterns were listed below the images, some were meant to represent wildlife in the area and others were more familiar to you as they were meant for war to represent strength or protection.

Losing interest in the papers, you picked up the dense metal gauntlets.

Looking into the holes of the gauntlets there were significantly smaller than Bakugou's current buff arms meaning that these were from his younger years. Slipping a hand into the loose metal bracelets, you noticed that there was nowhere for your hand to escape. Feeling around the space there were odd dents in the metal, but from the outside, you wouldn't have ever thought there was any damage to it.

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora