Chapter 2

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Word Count:  4574



"You're going to be mine." 

Immediately, you slapped the male in face, "I'll never  be yours." You hissed at him, venom coating your words. 

Who did this man think he was? 

His head rotated back to face you, you could barely see the outline of your attack on his cheek. Instead of being a hit against him, it seemed to rile him up even more as his arm wrapped securely around your waist, roughly pulling you closer, "Now, you're definitely mine." 

Your palms pressed against his toned chest in a pointless attempt to break free from his grip. You could feel two small paws behind you tugging at your waist in an effort to help separate the two of you. The male looked down at the new disturbance a sharp breath of disapproval escaping his lips, "Brat, you should really learn your place." 

Kota's dark eyes matched the intense glare that he was receiving. The boy did not say a word and only held onto your waist with a vice grip. 

"Or, maybe you should learn your place. You had no right to attack my tribe." You countered for Kota moving your hands to hold his head protectively. 

This made the blond's face turn sour and pulled away with a sudden force, "You have no idea what your tribe did. They got what they deserved." 

His crimson eyes sharpened down at Kota. With one strong tug, he was ripped from you proving the strength the blond had over you, "You're quite the trouble maker aren't ya?" 

"Lea-ve, h-him alone!" Shino cried out. Her eyes crazed as she attempted to move closer before being stopped by a straw-colored haired man with a distinctive black streak running through his hair. 

Lowering to Kota's level a sharp dagger was put on display in the orange light, the leader spinning it in his hand without care, "I only want the girl. My tribe doesn't need another brat." The cold metal made a swing towards the boy making you jump into action before it could make contact with his small throat. 

You hissed in pain as the blade swiped through your forearm that you wrapped around his neck as a protectant. Those cuprite eyes widening at your sudden action. 

"W-Wait!" Your voice shook as you tried to ignore the new stinging pain erupting in your arm, "I'll come with you, c-calmly, only if Kota comes with me and you don't hurt him." 

The male sneered at your proposition, "I can just take you by force, you aren't exactly giving a good deal. The kid is just another mouth to feed, something I don't need."

Your eyes burned as you detached your necklace with one hand not wanting to remove the little protection that you were able to give to Kota. Shoving the beaded necklace into his face you spoke fighting through the pain, "I-I promise to you that I will never r-run away, I will not fight y-you. I'll be yours without question," You could feel Kota clawing at your outstretched arm begging you to return the necklace to its rightful spot, "but only if Kota comes with me."

This strange custom seemed to interest your captor as he took the necklace out of your hand studying the different beads. His hands playing with the beads, staining their purity with the blood of your people. A sharp click of his tongue echoed through the air as he towered above you. 

:Captured: Bakugou x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें