Chapter 4

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Word Count: 4550



You sucked in a breath of air when you saw the size of the tribe that you were to call your new home.

It was at least three times the size of your previous one. Even in the dark, the tribe was alive with torches scattered around the large area making it look like a beacon. The sound of their drums was as clear as day even though you were at least half a mile away from the settling ground.

Behind you, Bakugou gave a roaring howl making all of his cavalry join in his call. A moment passed before they were meet with the same call from the large settling ground. Their response was so loud that it even drowned out their thunderous drumming. Your skin broke out into goosebumps from the small demonstration, you weren't even on the grounds yet and you were horrified.

"Welcome to Musutafu."  The blond declared as you steadily approached the village.

The closer you moved in the more details of the large village became visible. Their huts made were made of wood and had a grass roof that was covered by those strange skin tapestries that the group used earlier to form their tents. You figured that it was done to provide another layer of protection from the elements. The land was flat but noticeable rocky as it located at the top of a small plateau giving the Musutafu tribe more defense by having the higher ground.

Upon entering the tribe, you were met with shrill cheers and gests that meld into one another that made it sound like it was coming from one large beast. 

Most of the people were covered in warrior paint and large pelts of different animals. There was also another exotic animal mixed in the fray of humans barking and snarling at you on top of the horse.

The drums now had new partnerships with them, two large pieces of metal that produced with blaring clashes when hit against one another, rattles made of animal shells mixing into the beat, and large bone flutes.

Bakugou made another throaty call over the group that was now surrounding you. Brandishing his large sword, he raised it above his head causing quite the stir in the new tribe members that enveloped you on the ground. Another large roar turning into a chant met Bakugou's call while pumping their own weapons in the air. The metal shining in the warm amber light of the multiple fires that were scattered around the tribe. Your blood went cold and for a second, you forgot how to breathe.

Never before had you seen such a display of power. 

Looking out into the crowd was like looking out into a sea made of weapons. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking as Bakugou continued to parade around the tribe showing off the crown jewel of his invasion--you.

Some of the people reached out and touched your legs and clothing commenting on your distinctive traits. From how soft your skin was, or how you lacked these things called shoes, to how they never had seen the violet hue of your clothing before. Some even took a whiff of the clothing commenting on the unique smell of the ocean. 

Your whole being was a spectacle to these people.

You shuddered at these invasive touches and Bakugou did nothing to stop them. It was proof that you were, in fact, a rare breed and you were all his. You kept a strong face not letting them in on your dirty secret --that really you were internal crumbling to the intimidating tribe.

Bakugou stopped his show in front of the largest inferno that was at the center of the large tribe. There, a long table filled with elders sat behind it with a few empty seats in between them. To the side, you could see an extensive display of food that ranged in different meats, vegetables, breads, and drinks.

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now