𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝙻𝙸𝚇

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 (3rd person POV)

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(3rd person POV)

Taehyung's blood ran cold when he saw the helpless girl he loved so dearly being captivated in the glass box, panic and fear expressed through her expressions and body language. Out of all the things Minsoo could have possibly done to her, he had luckily only stuck her in that box and made it float between the asteroids, but unfortunately, it would be very tricky to get her out of there. Despite the terrifying situation she was in, he was relieved that she appeared to be unharmed, her skin not littered with any bruises and her eyes not clouded with pain like he had feared, as if Minsoo had spared her from torture. In his mind, Taehyung had already made up the worst imaginations of how Minsoo could have harmed her, and maybe even killed her, demanding for him to come to the asteroid belt to save her, only to present him her lifeless body.

To comfort her in this situation, he flashed a weak smile at the girl who was staring at him with wide eyes in horror, her hectic hand movements and head-shaking urging him to leave, to go far away and leave her behind and get into safety, far, far away.

But what she didn't know was that he had a plan up his sleeve. It would be very tough to realize everything the rebels and him had planned out, but he would do everything to keep his Y/N safe, even if it came with a high risk of losing his own life.

The nozzles of his spacesuit helped him reach the box, and he inspected it closely. It consisted of special, solid glass that was well-known in the whole universe for its ability to withhold extreme pressure, though it wasn't able to last long in the vacuum of the universe, which was especially dangerous for the girl he loved since she was captivated inside a box made of such glass. In addition to that, judging by the long and hasty breaths the girl was taking, the oxygen inside was slowly replaced by the carbon dioxide she was breathing out, and sooner or later, she would suffocate if he wouldn't manage to save her just in time. He desperately wished he could tell her to calm her breaths to prevent the oxygen from diminishing that fast, but she wouldn't be able to hear him through the thick layer of glass that laid in between them. It also seemed like her earbug wasn't connected to his one, probably it was done on purpose by the General.

She seemed to panic more and more with every second that passed, given that her breaths got hastier and her movements more frantic. In an attempt to calm her down, Taehyung laid his softly purplish glowing hand against the glass, his eyes holding the sincere promise that he would get her out of there. As if she knew what he was thinking, she laid her small hand at the other side on the glass, their hands separated by the thick glass, but their hearts united in love. He nodded encouragingly at her, and she nodded back, the panic in her eyes still apparent, but not as strong as before and her breaths much calmer now. Her tears were weightlessly floating inside the box, glittering like pained diamonds in the orange light of Th'akyn, the orange star that's light bled through the gaps between the asteroids.

After making sure that Y/N's panic had settled down slightly, the silver-eyed alien began to feel the glass box, searching for a way to open it without having to destroy it, but upon examining it closely, the staggering realization dawned on him that there was no other way to get the girl out of there than to do exactly that. The only possible way to do so was to bring the box into a spaceship and crack it open there because if he destroyed the box where they were right now, the girl would be overpowered by the cruel forces of the universe and die from the lack of warmth and oxygen. Unfortunately, it didn't seem as if she was wearing any form of spacesuit that would protect her and help her survive exposure to the powerful universe.

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