𝒞𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝚇𝚇𝚇𝚅𝙸

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(3rd person POV)

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(3rd person POV)

For a moment, the whole universe seemed to freeze while everyone waited for Taehyung's reaction, several colorful eyes focused on him as he was trying to process Namjoon's words.

"A what?" Taehyung exclaimed with widened eyes after finally regaining his due to the shock temporarily lost ability to speak.

The other Lucyndians laughed sheepishly and scratched their heads while Taehyung stared at them, unable to shake off the slight feeling of betrayal winding around his heart and painfully clenching it. Never in a million years would he have ever expected this turn of events. How had they even been able to operate in secret without the Alliance coming to know of their existence?

Most likely startled by his loud reaction, the beguiling human girl shifted uncomfortably next to him, making him immediately shift his attention to her. With a warm expression on his face, he looked into her eyes, trying to convey that she had nothing to fear because he was with her. Seeking to reassure her further, he took her adorably tiny hand into his large one, letting the calming power of his purple glow ooze into her body, making it loosen its tenseness noticeably. At the same time, he relished the touch as well, a small smile tugging on his lips when he realized that their relationship was the perfect symbiosis as her presence always comforting him and calmed him down. Closing his silver orbs, he took a deep breath of the infatuating sweet scent that pleased his senses and instantly soothed him as well.

While Taehyung caressed the human's hand with his thumb in circular motions, he continued, despite the comfort he was gaining from the girl struggling to stay quiet and composed, his brain almost bursting with all the questions he had.

"You're leading it? Did you also found it? How long has it been since the rebel organization was founded? How were you able to keep it hidden from the Alliance all those years? And why did you hide it from me?"

Endless questions bubbled out of his mouth, and the other Lucyndians backed away with each one, shooting each other helpless glances, feeling quite overwhelmed as the stream Taehyung's questions didn't seem to cease.

Only the sensation of a tiny hand softly squeezing his large one made him suddenly fall silent, the waterfall of words drying up as he realized that he wasn't even giving the other Lucyndians room to explain. They breathed out in relief while Taehyung's lips formed an abashed smile.

Jimin ran his hand through his blue hair and sighed helplessly. "Well, to keep it simple, we basically found it only shortly before you insulted us and said that we should all die."

Taehyung choked at the harsh words, painfully reminded once again of their fight, quickly opening his mouth to defend his actions from all those years ago, but Namjoon cut in before he was able to say anything.

"There are many people who are against General Minsoo's plans, an uncountable amount of beings from various planets and species, and we founded the organization to unite them. For most, we didn't even struggle to convince them as the Alliance has brought a lot of harm to every corner of the universe and will continue to do so," the bronze-haired explained. "But we had to keep it a secret from you since we weren't sure to what extent you supported the General and his plans. After all, he is your father, and he had trained you for years."

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