First Meeting | IkeVamp OC's x Reader

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Charles Dickens

This was far from normal. First you walk through a set of doors that take you back in time, and now you learn that you're in a mansion filled with vampires.

It's all a mess.

Currently, you're running away from the kitchen, where Arthur Conan Doyle had just scared you, by attempting to bite you.

You're about to reach the doors you had passed through earlier to even reach a strange place, until you hit something on face first. You're about to fall over until someone grabs your wrist, and their arm snakes around your waist to keep you up.

It's silent, until the person that has kept you from falling coughed.

"Sorry 'bout that princess," the man above you chuckled, pulling his arm away and taking your other hand, helping you straighten yourself up,"I'm afraid I didn't see you."

You look up and you're met with dark blue eyes, and a mess of black hair. A somewhat solemn face meets yours, until the mans sad expression breaks with a grin.

"I didn't know we were having visitors over, usually le Comte says somethin'." The man shrugged his shoulder soon, letting go of your hands and reaching over his shoulder to pull his coat up. "Well it's a pleasure to meet"

"Y/N," you mumbled, narrowing your eyes at the strange man, which caused him to tilt his head in confusion.

  "Charles Dickens." He smiled with a nod, gently taking your hand in his, and bringing it up to his lips to leave a gentle kiss. He then let go of your hand and looked behind you.

  The famous author? If my memory recalls, he wrote Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol...

  "Judging by how you were running...Arthur tried to scare you, didn't he?" Charles leaned forward, frowning slightly,"Of course he did."

  You stood there, taking a step back,"He did, and he also tried to...bite me. Sebastian told me everyone here is a vampire, and Arthur attempted to prove that..."

  The author let out a heavy sigh, shoving his hands in his pockets soon. "How am I not even surprised? Maybe it's because I've known him for so long..." A pause,"Well, I should go and speak with him. It was wonderful to meet you, princess."

  What's with the name?

  You stood still as Charles walked past you, gently brushing your shoulder with his arm. You only now realized how tall he was.

  "Um, Sir Charles-"

  "Just Charles is fine, no formalities are needed." The author let out a light hum,"Get some rest, perhaps we can speak more in the morning."

  With that, Charles disappeared into the dark hallway as he walked into the direction of the kitchen, leaving you all alone once again.


Alexander Hamilton

  You stood in the kitchen, your back against the wall. Sebastian was silent as he looked at you, though quickly turned when someone stepped into the kitchen the both of you.

  A shorter man with longer ginger hair pulled back with a white bow, and dressed in what seemed to be an American Revolution uniform, though modified to fit the current era.

  And that currently era was Victorian era France.

  It was a long story, but TL;DR, you stumbled through a set of folders which brought you to this era to France, and you were supposedly in a mansion full of vampires.

  Sebastian had just explained everything after a weird dream you had, and you almost couldn't believe it. Until now at least...

  The man you had recognized from dinner earlier, though you hadn't caught his name. He looked nice enough, if not confused.

  "Seb, who's this?" The ginger man asked, looking over at the butler while raising an eyebrow.

  "Ah, Mister Hamilton, this is-"

  "Y/N." You answered quickly, surprising yourself. You were sure if you would be able to talk, but you did.

  "Y/N," the man sighed before giving a nod, giving you a tired smile,"I am Alexander Hamilton, it's nice to meet you."

  Alexander Hamilton, wasn't he important in the Revolution or...something like that?


  Alexander looked toward you before grinning big and turning to Sebastian. "I'm just here for some rouge, I didn't get any earlier."

  "Please stay on top of that Mister Hamilton, you wouldn't want to scare our guest."

  I'm just going to...go.

  You slowly made your way to the doorway, about ready to pass through until Alexander gently took your sleeve.

  "Eli- sorry, mon ange." He frowned for a moment, shrugging soon,"I guess I do remember a few things that Lafeyette had to say...hmm. Sorry, again, I thought you were someone else. Get some sleep, you'll need it if you're working here."

  Without another word, you left.


Nikola Tesla

  You had managed to run outside of the mansion, desperately trying to get away from the vampires that resided in it. You were so far already, until you felt someone grab your arm and pull you back.


  That means little chicken. Who is calling me little chicken-

  You quickly turned, only to met with narrowed silver eyes, and a cold expression. It was enough to send chills down your spine.

  "E-excuse me?" You sputtered out, pulling your arm away and taking a step back. You looked at the man before you, the most noticeable feature being his mess blond hair and the oil on his clothes and face.

  What had happened to him?

  "Running away isn't the best solution, you'd get yourself killed down there," he sighed, rolling his eyes soon,"unless you have a death wish, I'd recommend staying in the mansion."

  You stood there, letting out a light sigh,"Are of them?" You muttered, staring at the blond man.

  The man tilted his head slightly before sighing once again,"If you're calling me a vampire, I am one of them. I'm Nikola Tesla, and you are?"


  Nikola gave a curt nod, wiping some oil of his face with his dirtied sleeve. "It's nice to meet you I suppose, Y/N. Now I suggest you go back inside and get some sleep, draga."

  I don't recognize that word.

  You stood there, before eventually nodding and beginning to make your way back up to the mansion. "Goodnight, Sir Tesla-"

  "Nik, you can call me Nik or Nikola."

  "Right, goodnight then." With that, you went back to the mansion, leaving Nikola all alone.


Princess = princess

Mon ange = my angel

Draga = darling


  Hope you all enjoyed this hot mess before the New Year. Let's hope 2021 is much better, yeah?


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