Laser Tag | Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader

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  I found a prompt and I like it

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I found a prompt and I like it. So I'm writing it with Napo,,,because I miss him


You gently squeezed Napoleon's hand as the raven haired man led you into the arcade, a gentle smile on his face as he turned to look at you.

" Here we are, nunuche," the Frenchman chuckled as he hesitantly let go of your hand. You look up at him with a grin.

" How old are you, Napoleon?" You ask with a teasing smile as the other just laughed and ran his fingers through his hair as he led you over to the laser tag field.

Others were there, such as Dazai, Arthur, Isaac, and Shakespeare. You blinked, the taller Frenchmen dragging you over and allowing the worker at the laser tag station to sort teams.

It was you, Isaac, and Shakespeare versus Napoleon, Dazai, and Arthur.

We are going to lose horribly, you thought with a gentle sigh as you put the heavy vest on overtop yours- Napoleon's- sweatshirt with a small hum, buckling it together so it would stay on.

The worked seemed bored as she let out a heavy sigh," Alright, you all should know the rules. There's a one minute graze period, have fun."

With that being said, both teams went to their different sides and taking places behind dark walls, hoping the glow tape on the vests wouldn't give them away. Meanwhile you, were currently struggling to find a hiding spot before the graze period was over.

Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your sleeve and tug you back behind a wall with them. You were half expecting Napoleon, but instead it was Isaac with a grin expression on his face.

" We better win this," he whispered," or I will never hear the end of it from Dazai and Arthur."

" Yessir..." You mumble out, a bell chiming overhead to signal the end of the graze period. You let out a heavy sigh and hold your laser 'gun' in your hands as you reach out from behind the wall and end up shooting Dazai's back target.

Well then...You thought, obviously surprised with yourself at getting such a great shot without even looking. Dazai also seemed stunned before he laughed.

" This is war!" the Japanese writer called out with a grin on his face as he shot the target on the front of your vest after his 'gun' recharged and allowed him back in the game.

So this is how this is going to go...fantastic.


You and the others had played two rounds of laser tag already, both teams winning one round, so now you guys were playing a final round for a tiebreaker.

The graze period had ended, and both teams were currently tied at thirty-two points. How aggravating!

You were currently making your way around the dark field until you felt someone grab you by the arm and push you into the corner with a gentle hum.

" He-hey!" You cried out, squirming until you heard a familiar chuckle. You look up and see Napoleon over you, a grin on his handsome face.

  " Quiet, nunuche," he whispered in your ear, gently humming as he played with a strand of your hair. You glare up at him.

  Napoleon tilted his head in confusion, an innocent look in his eyes before he smirked and leaned in closer.

  " Don't mind me," he hummed out gently as he leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss. You were taken aback before closing your eyes and returning the kiss.

  It was sweet and gentle, just like Napoleon when it was the two of you. You swear you couldn't hear anything at that moment apart from the Frenchman's heartbeat. No flashy and loud music, none of Isaac and Shakespeares panicked screams as they got tagged out every other second. It was just you and him.

  Then, you were pulled out of that moment when you felt Napoleon pull away...and then a shot from his 'gun'.

  He had tagged you out, and soon the ending bell of the match could be overhead.

  The raven haired man looked at you with a small hum, grinning innocently as you glare and hit him on the chest.

  " You smooth little-" You begin until Napoleon grabs your free hand and takes you out of the laser tag field, taking his vest off and putting it up on a hanging rack before he kissed your cheek.

  " I win," he laughed as you just sighed. The Frenchman tilted his head with a small grin. He glanced back before he helped you take your vest off and hang it up before he took your hand again and took you outside.

  You sigh softly as the man above you brings you into a gentle hug before he kisses the top of your head. You hear him chuckle, feeling his chest vibrate as his hands take yours once he pulls away.

  " Happy anniversary, nunuche," he said softly as he leaned in for another kiss.

  Hopefully this time, he wouldn't shoot you with a taser tag gun.

  ...meanwhile, poor Isaac would never hear the end of Dazai and Arthur's tormenting about how he lost so miserably in a game of taser tag. Shakespeare, on the other hand? He left halfway throughout the game and went to get himself ice cream. Man has priorities.



  Well, that was fun and a quick little one-shot that only took me about twenty minutes.

  Also, I'll be making updates to the request page soon. So be looking out for that!

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