I got bored

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  So, I was just kind of messing around and began the new Valentines Day event for IkeVamp (I'm playing Napoleon's route,,I really miss him)

  But anyways, I ran into an issue...love points (intimacy points). I need to wait for my stamina to recharge, so I began thinking...

  How many intimacy points will the player have after doing all the suitors routes by the end? (Excluding events)

  So, for this I decided on including both routes (romantic and dramatic) for all the characters.

  So, first I added up all the intimacy check numbers (goals...?)

  100 + 2,500 + 4,000 + 7,500 + 14,00 = 28,100

  28,100 is the amount of intimacy points you'll need if you choose one suitor, and only play ONE route. So, let's multiple that number by two.

  28,100 x 2 = 56,200

  56,200 is the amount of intimacy points you will need if you choose one suite, and play BOTH his routes. Now, time to multiple that number...by 12.

  56,200 x 12 = 647,400

  647,400 is the total amount of intimacy points you will need if you play both of all the suitors routes...

  That's a lot, isn't it? Yeah, it is...(though I'm guessing other games are worse, considering there are more suitors in IkeSen and IkeRev)

  Anyways, sorry for this chapter, and I hope this sort of helped you out (idk).

  If my math isn't the most accurate...sorry about that! I'm not the best, and my calculator could be lying to me, haha!

  Have a great day everyone!

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