Healing | Sebastian

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  Don't mind me...I just got bored after finishing Leonardo's romantic route and thought of this. Also, spoilers for Leonardo's route.


  Sebastian slowly raised his head to meet the pair of golden eyes in front of him. He felt a smile creep up onto his face, a sigh of relief escaping past his bloodied lips.

  "...M. le Comte..." the butler said quietly, feeling a hand brush his hair out of his bruised and bloodied face.

  The Comte didn't say a thing, but Sebastian saw the look on the greater vampires face. His face was twisted, and his golden eyes were narrowed, they could burn into ones soul.

  The black haired man bit his lip when the Frenchman reached both his hands behind the others back and began to untie the ropes that bound him with nimble fingers.

  Sebastian could hear everything going on around him, screaming, gunshots, and the doors to the theater being opened and police officers charging in with Theodorus van Gogh behind them.

  The man tried to push himself up to his feet, but instead swayed to the side before he felt someone catch him, and put something over his shoulders.

Everything was spinning, the theaters lights seemed to get brighter with every growing second. The theater itself was spinning uncontrollably, it was to a point where Sebastian thought the world would suddenly collapse around him.


The butler could only make out a few sounds, including the French accented voice calling out to him.


There was silence for a moment, as Sebastian felt everything around him go quiet. He thought he was going deaf, every sound around him being muffled like static from a speaker. Then, he was snapped out of it.

" Akihiko," he heard his real name being called out, and he suddenly could hear and see everything clearly.

Comte had his hands on the butlers shoulders, gently shaking him to bring him out of whatever spell he had been trapped in. The anger had disappeared, and there was only concern on the golden mans face.

" M. le Comte," the butler mumbled out, his gray eyes going wide for a moment when he saw blood on the Comte.

The golden man obviously took notice of where Sebastian's eyes were going, and just shook his head," It is not my blood, there is so need to worry," the Frenchman sighed.

A wave of relief went over the butler as he was pulled to his feet by the vampire, beginning to feel himself sway again before he felt an arm go around his shoulders and keep him steady.

" Sebastian?" Comte murmured, brushing some black hair away from the other mans face, noticing blood on his forehead and in his hair, which was shown once he pulled his hand away and noticed blood.

Sebastian felt his body begin to sway again once he noticed all the blood around him. Everything began to spin as all noise began to die down and become like static once more.

There were voices, but they were so muffled that Sebastian couldn't decide who they belonged to. He tried to move, but only saw his world grow white and blinding.


Sebastian let out a soft groan as he opened his gray eyes. He was met with dull, golden candlelight as he propped himself up on his elbows. He had to blink a few times to adjust to the small light after only seeing darkness for so long.

The butler then began to take notice of the walls, they were a pale gold, and very much unlike his room. It took a moment for Sebastian to realize where he was.

"...M. le Comte?" he called out, sitting himself up as he winced slightly. He could see the bruises and cuts all over his body due to the larger shirt that been put on him. The sleeves made Sebastian feel like a child wearing a parents shirt for painting.

There was no response, only the crackling fire and quiet song from the music rooms piano. The black haired man sighed, slowly pushing the blankets off of him, throwing his legs over the side of the bed as he tried to stand himself up, only before he fell back and hit the back of his head on the wall behind him.

Sebastian let out a quiet groan, moving a hand to the back of his head and rubbing the spot until he heard the door open, and there stood a familiar, elegant figure.

Though, the Frenchman didn't seem as elegant as he usually did. His golden hair was disheveled, and he only wore a button up shirt with his dark gold trousers. His vest, tie, and coats had been discarded on a nearby chair.

" Sebastian," the Frenchman sighed and went over, pressing a hand against the butlers shoulder, the other going to the back of his head. He let out a hum in satisfaction," no blood."

The butler gave a short nod, feeling the others hands slowly pull away from his broken body.

" Get some more rest, you still need time to heal," Comte sighed, brushing some dark hair away from the younger mans face.

" What about-"

" Everything is being taken care of by everyone else. Right now, you need to get more rest. You are human unlike the other residents."

Sebastian tried to argue back, he wanted to argue back so he could get back to work and make sure the mansion wasn't falling apart while he slept.

Instead, he just bit his tongue and let out a small sigh," I could not possibly argue with you," he mumbled softly.

" Because you know that you cannot win?" Comte chuckled, a small grin reaching his face soon enough.

  Sebastian let out a soft sigh, smiling as well before he shifted his gaze away from the vampire.

  There was silence between the two men before Comte let a gentle sigh pass his lips as he went and sat down at his desk, glancing over at Sebastian who had laid back down and pulled the blankets overtop his broken body.

  A few minutes passed by, and the Comte heard soft breathing coming from Sebastian. The golden man stood up and went over to the other, letting out a soft chuckle as he brushed some black hair away from the others face.

  He slowly moved his hand down and cupped the butlers cheek. The Comte bent down, and pressed a soft kiss against the others brow before he slowly moved away from him.

  " Rest well, Akihiko."



  I just realized how gay I made this, so...whoops? I really didn't mean to, it just sort of happened.

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