Modern Day Headcanons

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I'm bored, so enjoy this.



-this boy,,,oh God-
-his favorite movies are apart of the Pirates of The Caribbean series
-he drags poor Jean along to see a lot of historical sights and correct people about what actually happened


-Herter's Music Store? He. Won't. Leave.
-he also never seems to leave Starbucks, they got WiFi and coffee
-he tried TikTok, NEVER AGAIN


-puffball hats, just,,,puffball hats
-he's usually hanging out with le Comte at some completely absurd place
-he laughs in the face of IKEA and the horrible instructions on how to build things


-the thotiness never ends
-he saw Sherlock by BBC, and lemme say,,,he has mixed feelings about it
-has the most absurd Starbucks order, most of the time the poor barista thinks they might be having a stroke


-he goes to lots of art museums
-he's secretly a street artist, and his work is loved by all
-him and Theo of course live together,,,because they're brothers


-you bet your ass he volunteers at an animal shelter
-him and Arthur have found themselves kicked out of multiple bars
-he always gets lectured by Vincent after he does something stupid, and is dragged to art museums so his older brother can keep an eye on him


-bath-bombs and boba tea are his two favorite things and you can't convince him otherwise
-probably has three meme accounts for all types of social media
-has scared people when he takes all of his meds at once


-he doesn't care what Arthur and Dazai think, you bet your ass this boy loves caramel apples
-definitely college professor, he does really well at his job
-he basically lives off of coffee and ramen considering he barely sleeps because there's always work to do


-there has been countless times where he was asked to be a model for something, he politely declined
-he probably shares an apartment with Napoleon, mostly because they get alone extremely well and can relate to each other because they're both war vets
-he's that guy that decides to shower at 4 am


-he probably dresses like a hipster, beanie, tinted glasses, all of it
-you bet he has a dream to get one of his plays on Broadway
-his apartment is filled to the brim with Broadway posters, playbills, scripts, lots of drafts, and empty coffee cups

le Comte

-still a father figure to all, despite all of them not living under the same roof because of how much time had changed
-he throws parties for the others, just because he wants to see them
-he probably shares an apartment with Leo, and you can see the difference, one side is so clean it hurts, and the other side,,,oh God-


-just a normal college student
-he probably has a lot of plants that he takes very well care of, but how though???
-he at some point watched Black Butler and just laughed in the face of Sebastian Michaelis, ones a demon, the other was a vampire turned by le Comte (headcanon remember-) Who would win?

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