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Of course landing in such a position caused the two to be, rather flustered. Both had red faces, both wide eyed.
Kokichi was basically straddling Shuichi, sitting on top of his chest. Shuichi's arms were propped up behind his back on Kokichi's bed.
The two blushed, both red in the face. But neither of them moved. An awkward silence could be heard as the two just looked to the side apologetically.

"Well that was a fall..." was all Kokichi said quietly as he chuckled to himself.
Kokichi's blush had turned into a light pink, calmed down a little. Shuichi however was still red as shit-
"Sorry-" Kokichi apologized before getting off shuichi and letting himself fall to the floor with a thud. His head nearly hit the foot of Shuichi's bed, it was a scary experience.

Shuichi let out a sigh as he covered his red face, sitting upright and just sighing internally. He stood up with the help of the bedframe, stumbling slightly as he got up.
Kokichi gets up too, he laughs sheepishly.
"I'll.. go collect- the rest of my stuff now.. I guess. A ha ha ha.."
Kokichi slowly backs out of the room, speeding away the second he's out Shuichi's sight.

Shuichi sighs, though this time out loud. He plops onto his own bed and lies down.
When did things turn out like this.. Why?
He thought to himself. The sun was setting through the window, the blinds allowing the rays of the setting sun pass down onto the bedsheets.

Kokichi returns not long after he had left, another suitcase with more of his clothing, and other small gadgets and things Shuichi could care less about.
"I think that's about everything shumai!" He chirps, seeming to have already forgotten everything that had happened a while ago.
Shuichi stands up and starts to rearrange the closet, shifting most of his belongings onto the left side of the closet.
"Oh.. ah, right- do you want to split the closet in half? You can use one side, and yeah.."

"Sure! Didn't think Shumai would be so considerate of me moving in," Kokichi smiles gleefully as he begins to move his stuff into the closet on his designated side, standing next to the taller.

This felt right, in a way. Shuichi didn't even have enough clothes to take up half the closet, Kokichi's things filled the gaps perfectly.

Ok this is all y'all are getting I am actually gone give up on this fic now, no more dead broken discontinued- I'm not even part of the dangan fandom anymore lmao- anyways have a good day y'all- thanks for reading???? Yeah haha bye :)
- Olive

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