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AN: I want to die

Shuichi was crying and Kokichi was confused.
What should Kokichi do? He was confused, should he press on and ask what was wrong, or just- hug Shuichi.

>option 1< option 2
option 1 >option 2<
>yes< no

Kokichi hugs Shuichi, making Shuichi jump a little from the sudden contact.
"Are you alright?" He asks Shuichi softly, not knowing what was happening.
Shuichi is slightly startled by this as he hugs back, slightly blushing.
Kokichi could feel his wet tears on his hair as he patted Shuichi's back.
"Hey it's ok- I don't know what's wrong but it's ok-"
The pair stood there for quite a long time just hugging each other.

"Are you- feeling better-?"
"I guess."
"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"
That I like you and I want to date you except I absolutely hate love and want to kill myself?
"Are you sure?"
"Its not important- it's fine."
"I don't think- crying is 'fine' to me-"
"I'm fine ok?"
"Alright I just think that it would be bet-"
Shuichi walks off quickly not really knowing how to deal with the pressure at that time.
"better to-" Kokichi sighs.
His arms are nice. I like hugging Shuichi! I should do it more.
"What to do now... Oh yeah I have to ask Rantaro something but he was banging Korekiyo- Huh."

Kokichi sets off again, not wanting to think about how Shuichi reacted when he offered help. "Well it's none of my business anyways- where is Rantaro anyways?"

After walking around which felt like 4 hours to Kokichi was 10 minutes, finally finding Rantaro. With Korekiyo of course. They were just hanging out chatting about something random.
(I've always had the theory that Korekiyo killed all of rantaro's sisters. This is not relevant to the plot by the way)
"Hey there love birds~" Kokichi cooed as he neared them
"I need to kill rantaro for a sec so can I kidnap him for a few minutes?"
Korekiyo chuckled at Rantaro's pout. "Yes you may, bring him back a spirit."
"Ayeaye sir!" Kokichi says as he drags Rantaro away from the bench who had a sad reluctant pout. Korekiyo just smiled under his mask and waved.

After following Kokichi for a bit, Rantaro finally asks. "Where the hell are you taking me?"
"To my room! A duh- Shuichi wouldn't be that dumb- I think-"
"Well what did you want to ask me anyways-"
"I'll ask you when I get to my room-"
Rantaro sighs. He just wanted to hang out with Kork. Stupid Kokichi ruining his date.
Finally arriving to Kokichi's room Kokichi sat down on his bed and patted the spot beside him signaling Rantaro to sit next to him.
"What did you want to tell me-?"
"Oh yeah I forgot hehe! Wait a sec" Kokichi responded looking up at the ceiling and put his hands behind his head.
"Oh right- I've been having these weird feelings when I'm around Shuichi- do you know what they are?" Kokichi looks at Rantaro.
"Like I get happy and stuff-"
"Thanks for such a wonderful description."
"Shut up! Ok well I get happy and excited and I really like spending time with him!" Kokichi gushed, his eyes shining like stars.
How dumb is Kokichi-
Rantaro face-palmed, "You obviously like him-"
"Yeah of course I like him!"
"No I mean romantically-"
"Oh what-"
Kokichi went silent in thought.
"Does that mean I have a crush?"
"Oh. Does he like me back?"
"Why would you ask me? I don't know-"
Kokichi is probably the densest person I've ever met- of course Shuichi likes you back like- you fluster him every two seconds-
"Should I ask-"
"No that's awkward- I don't know what to do-"
"How did you and Korekiyo end up?"
Now it was Rantaro's turn to go silent.
"Soooo-???" Kokichi swung his legs back and forth on the side of the bed looking at Rantaro with a cheeky smile as Rantaro's face got redder by the second.
"I don't know we just kind of ended up together-"
"Oh really~~~~~"
"I'm gonna go-"
"Wait nooooo I'm sorryyy come backkkkk"
"Byeee good luck with Shuichi!" Rantaro exits the room.
"Dammit- how can I the ULTIMATE supreme leader have a crush- liek that's just wEiRd," Kokichi says to himself collapsing onto his bed and sighing dramatically.


Shuichi ran back to his room, slammed the door and locked it, isolating himself from everyone else. He leaned his back onto door and slid down to the floor curling into a ball and continuing to cry.
Why did he just have to break down in front of his crush, KOKICHI a liar at most.
Shuichi sigh and leaned his head onto the door now looking at the ceiling, he let his arms relax and drop loosely beside his legs, limp, like a dead body.
The tears wouldn't stop of course.

Trigger warning: Self harm.

Shuichi got up and made his way to the bathroom, he was happy for a bit so the scars from his previous cuts weren't too visible. He took out the razor from a jar he had hidden in the back of the cupboard behind the cleaning supplies.
He looked at the mirror and saw his tear stricken face, and he smiled. It was full of pain,  and insanity. He slowly began to cut across his pale skin, watching the razor score through his arm, a thin line of blood showing. He did this multiple times until his arm was stained with his own blood. He began to clean his wounds with fresh water, the pain stinging him. He laughed and smiled slowly, new tears making it to the surface, rolling down his cheeks once again.

Trigger: end.

Ok that was a long chapter, I clearly don't know what I'm doing so yeah uh have fun lol

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