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• Kokichi's POV •
It was a heated moment while it lasted, we made out on the door for a full 20 minutes, Shuichi had an obvious boner.
"U-ugh Kokichi."
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard."
"N-no no no no- Please don't"

After a few minutes of persuading, Shuichi suddenly passes out.
"H-huh!? Shuichi!? Are you o-ok-?"
There was no response- but after a few seconds of silence, a light snoring could be heard.
"O-oh he fell asleep.. good."
I'm pretty sure that the drug removes your memory after it wears off, but I never knew about the part of the person falling asleep or passing out though...
Well then I should probably try get him into his bed or something. Right?
I was heaving and shoving Shuichi's sleeping body towards his bed (lOl he be sleeping like a ded boi)
So turns out I'm a weak as rat- so I can't lift him onto his stupid bed- I'll just leave him there for now I guess-
"Gosh that was a close one though- I don't need him to take my virginity yet-"
-Kokichi turns around and leaves his room

~ • T I M E S K I P • ~

• Shuichi's POV •
Ugh.. what happened- I was in the nurses office with kokichi right- where am I? Whose room is this-? Suddenly a throbbing pain emerged in my head, it was like I was having an extreme hangover.
"Well I guess it's time to go ou- where's my hat?"
- You see, before Kokichi left, he took the chance to steal Shuichi's hat.
"Ugh I bet Kokichi took it while I was asleep. But isn't this his room?"
Hmmm.. he probably took it out with him then...
- Shuichi stood up and looked around once more and left the room.
He wandered the halls for a bit looking for someone. As he walked he noticed the dark sky.
'Wow how late is it right now?' He asks himself in thoughts.
"Oh good to see you finally awake!", a familiar voice sounded behind me,
"O-oh hi Kaito!"

A shit  saiouma story lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now