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Shuichi blushes red, knowing what Kokichi was talking about.
"Oooooh- someone's got a dirty mind~" Kokichi cooed.
Kokichi pokes Shuichi's cheek, "You're blushing a lot-"
"O-oH I aM-?"
"Yeah are you dumb?"
Shuichi stood up. "No I am not!"
"Are you ditching me then?"
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not-"
Shuichi reluctantly sits back down, finally calmed a little.
"Hey. I want to ask a question," Kokichi says.
"Oh. Ok go ahead."
"That day- when I found you in the bathtub- why were you doing that? It looked really sad and emo"
"Well?" Kokichi leaned forwards, curious to find out what was happening.
Shuichi could feel the tears rise to his eyes.
"Nothing." He says mumbling.
"What do you mean nothing?" Kokichi presses on, kind of concerned.
"I said it's nothing! Leave me alone." Shuichi nearly shouts, running out of the room.
"Hey wait!" Kokichi shouts taking off after him.

• Shuichi's POV •
Run, run, run. You'll always be weak. Face your problems for once you emo fuck up. You should just die, no one likes you. A weak stupid boy like you.
The words swirled in his head as streams of tears made their way down his cheeks, him making an effort to dry them off.

Kokichi was catching up, the detective really wasn't that fast. Kokichi grabber Shuichi's arm and dragged him to a corner.
"Hey- What-" Kokichi waw the tears of his friend, fresh ones. I've never seen Shuichi cry before. Kokichi thinks to himself as he gently lifts Shuichi's hand a way and just- gives him a hug. Sometimes people just need a hug.

Ok yes it's short af but idk what to do anymore I'm really lost on this story, no ideas and stuff plus plowing in quarantine has really ruined my creativity hhhhh sorry for not updating in like forever

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