Chapter 13: Only His

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   She was getting ready. Eleanor King told her that she had to attend a charity ball with Zander King. For the last two weeks, the King's had been taking good care of her. She was always be treated with Love and care. But now she was getting extra.

  However,she was giving cold shoulder to Zander. Never in his life, Zander thought that a day would come when a woman would treat him like this. That too the woman he loved. He was now getting irritated. He knew that there was something that she was hiding. He wanted her to talk to him but she didn't give him a chance in the whole two weeks.

    She woke up after he went to office and sleep before his arrival. He was also busy with his schedule. But now that his project was concluded,he wanted to seek out the matter.

   He wanted to go back to the penthouse but Isabella denied. She wanted to live with family. King's were so happy with her decision.

   They were together. They were in love with each other. But they both didn't know how to work out. Isabella was always the queen. In her life, every thing she wanted ,she got it before she could say. Her all wishes were always fulfilled. Though she didn't turn out to be a rich arrogant spoiled brat. But her shy self wasn't doing anything good now. She wanted to give their relationship a chance. But she couldn't find the courage to say this to him. All the feelings were new and strange for her. Maybe , she was afraid of Zander rejecting her feelings.

  On the other hand, Zander king's ego wasn't meeting him to bow down in front of his love. But deep down, he was scared of his  temper.  He knew that his Bella was a fragile bird. He had to treat her with love and respect. These feelings were making him weak. He didn't want to surrender in front of her.

  But the heavens were witnessing their love. Destiny always have it's own plans. Their time will come when the innocent angel will be in handsome devil's arms. But for now, they both had to learn something which would glue them together for eternity. So the nature was just observing their inner battles. Knowing well that one day , they would win over it.

       She went to the living room after getting ready. Zander hadn't come till now. She was hungry again. Now-a-days, sleeping and eating was all she could do.

  The horn of the car pulled her out of her thoughts. She went out. Zander was waiting for her near his expensive car. She was never interested in cars so she couldn't tell it's name.

   In the moonlight, orange glittery dress and open hair, she was looking like an angel fallen from the sky. Zander's jaws clenched and his eyes hardened. Isabella noticed it. Was she not looking good? She tensed.

     "Get in the car." He ordered. She wanted to cry but she restrained herself. As the driver started the car Zander pulled the window blocking their front view. Now they were all alone. No one could see them. From her peripheral view , she saw Zander staring at her. She quickly turned towards the other side. Zander chuckled.

    She couldn't help but look back at him. He was looking handsome as ever in his blue suit. Both were quenching their thirst of eyes and heart. Without wasting another second, Zander's lips were on her. He left her breathless. But he didn't stop there.

  He started to place feathery kisses on her jawline and neck. Her trembling lips, lowered eyes, heavy breaths and innocent blush was making him insane.

  He spent his life in boarding schools and for university too he left for abroad. He was always a reserved kid. But this made him a workaholic and  emotionless devil, as the world know him. He loved and cared for his family. But time and expressing feelings wasn't his thing.

   Now it was difficult for him to accept that she had changed him. She had woken up the lost senses and feelings of the devil.

The car stopped with a halt. "Don't leave my side."  He whispered in his deep husky voice. She just nodded her head.

He wanted to complement her but he didn't know how to do so. No words could match up to her level. But one thing was clear, he would never allow any man  near her. She belonged to him and was only his. This is going to be a long night.

Hey lovelies):
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