chapter 18 : Death

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  She was stunned. They landed an hour ago in New York. She asked Zander about it but he didn't clearly tell her anything. He said they are here just for some work but Isabella knew there was something wrong going to happen. She could feel it.

    The car stopped in front of the hospital. "Zander." She called him. He went out of the car. He opened the door for her. She didn't know why her heart was telling her to not go inside and to run away from it. She shook her head.

    "Do you trust me , Bella."  Zander asked her. She just bobbed her head. "You will always have me." Zander said and she didn't know when he pulled her out of the car. She was too engrossed in his eyes.

   They reached at the ICU door. She saw her whole family there. The king's and the Salvatore's. Again her  heart got terrified. She took steps back.

  "What's going on?". She whispered more to herself. The Salvatore's and the king's ladies came to her. "Don't be sad, your father just wants to meet you "  Sophia Salvatore said.

This alarmed her, was her father alright?... She looked at Zander. He didn't look at her. He took her hand and led her in. Why is he behaving all cold and heartless devil again? She thought.

  Tears came out of her eyes. But Zander had to be tough. Because that was how he would be able to deal with his angel. He couldn't show are tears and pain was killing him from Inside. The door of the ICU room opened and they both walked in. There lied the mighty Adriano Salvatore with oxygen mask and machinery and wires all around him. He wasn't the strong man anymore, the world knew.

  What Isabella saw was a pale weak man. She couldn't control her sobs. Listening to the voice of his daughter, Adriano Salvatore opened his eyes. "Te-soro." He said meekly.

Removing his mask, he gestured them to come near.

   "I ---i trust you......en-ough to ---give you m-y d-oll..... Please, ta-ke care of her al-ways."  With much difficulty Adriano spoke.

    "Trust me sir, I will do it." Zander never felt this type of pain. The person, he admired from distance always. Zander's eyes became watery.

   "My --my doll.....I am g-oing to my l-love. Sh-e must be wai-waiting for me....."  Adriano said.

  " Your mo-mother looked exactly like --you . Always remember---w-we will be wat-ching you from the heaven."  He said. Isabella couldn't say a thing, first time in her life she was heating her mother from her father tongue.

  "When I first met her....she was c-crying over her ----fallen ice-cream. 10 years, she took 10 years to grow up into a lady so I ----ca-n marry her......and left me after 12 years all alone again.".   Adriano Salvatore smiled.

    He coughed again....."We -we w-will meet ag-ain."  He said. "Sir..sir"   Zander shouted and ran out.

  Isabella was looking at her the man in the hospital bed with numb expressions....she saw him coughing, blood, doctor and family rushing inside. Then doctor said sorry as he covered his dead body with white sheets.....

  "Nooooo......." She shouted. She was crying hysterically. Zander hugged her to console her. "Please bring ----please----him back....."  She cried. Eleanor came to her.

  But she felt darkness and lost her conscious.

  Funeral was held in Italy. Adriano Salvatore was burrows near his wife, the lady for whom he could once sacrifice everything. 

Time and destiny are always cruel.........

Ok I am crying .....😭

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Stay Blessed ✨❤️

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