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song: cherry flavoured by the neighbourhood

Olivia Thomson

I guess you could say I was pretty drunk.

I've begun to lose track over how many beers I've had over the past two hours. Which surprised me, considering I was still trying to count how many stars were in the night sky above me.

"Three... four... six..." I whisper into the cool night air, pointing my finger into the sky and trying to separate one bright dot from a star or a plane. My mind was scattered, and anytime I moved my head fast my vision blurred and stars became lines, so I tried my best to stay still.

It was probably eleven at night, and I haven't heard from Harry all day. Last I heard from him was when he left me all alone in that alleyway. Like, are you kidding me?

After all we went through yesterday, and how much shit I told him, the second something was brought up about his past he just walks away. Not to mention— he got mad at me for asking if he was ok. It's not like I was interviewing him to write a fucking biography about him or something.

Maybe it was my drunk self talking, but I was pissed at him.

So here I sat on the roof of my condo, my back against the clay tile of the not-so-smooth roof and my legs extended out in front of me. I've been up here for a while, going back and forth between counting the stars and feeling bad for myself.

I usually do this when I'm upset though. The stars comfort me, they have since I was a little girl. My dad and I always loved them for so many different reasons. A lot of people think that the universe and space and all those stars are scary because it just shows how insignificant we are. But personally I think that is just your regular narcissistic human not being able to understand that we don't rule the world. People hate to believe that we aren't the ones who control everything.

Now— I'm not saying there's some guy up there with a long beard and a white dress watching down on us, because if there were, he sure is holding a special grudge against me. I just think that humans are so tiny, and our pea sized brains can't understand how irrelevant we are in this universe.

So, with a that being said, I find the stars comforting. I think that they prove to us that we aren't alone, and I find that incredible. It's amazing knowing that we aren't the only ones just flying through an empty void of nothingness.

God— I'm so drunk.

I groan as I bring my cold hands up to my face, rubbing my eyes and forehead. I was extremely tired, but my thoughts were keeping me awake. And also the fact that I think if I tried to stand up I'd fall off of this roof.

"Hi, sunflower." I suddenly hear that familiar English voice that has been in my head all night. It startled me, and I bring my hand up to my chest to control my breathing.

I tilt my head up above me to see Harry standing right outside of the opened window, his side propped up against the wall and his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing the same white shirt and black jeans as earlier, his hair still slicked back with the curls on the sides prominent. His cross necklace hung down, being very visible against the white frantic of the shirt. Sometimes if he wear a black shirt I don't notice the chain because it blends in.

He wore his same black converse with a few smudges on the sides. My eyes trail back up to his face, where he had the smallest smirk on his lips and an unreadable look in his green eyes. He stood there staring at me, waiting for me to answer.

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