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song: Feels Like We Only Go Backwards
by Tame Impala
(play when you see the *)

Olivia Thomson

It's been five days since Harry dropped me off at my apartment, and I haven't heard from him once. Not once.

I mean, seriously? He takes me on this long road trip and then make me think that maybe there was something between us, and then boom. He just drops off the end of the Earth. I've called him once and texted him once, and I've been debating on calling again. I just don't want to seem desperate.

It would be one thing if he has just been super busy— but no. He's not. There has been probably a hundred photos of him leaving a nice, fancy restaurant with a girl. Oh yeah, don't forget the red lipstick marks smeared all over his fucking face. And— what makes it even harder is the fact that she's a Victoria's Secret model.

She's absolutely stunning. She's literally drop dead gorgeous. And he is going out with her. He's going out with her when he told me he doesn't date. What an asshol— No. You know what? Good for him! I am glad he found someone to run around with— because it wasn't going to be me.

Tomorrow I am ending things with Dylan, at least for now. He doesn't know I am back yet, and I plan on letting him know tomorrow morning.

I've decided it's best if I tell him everything that has happened. The collab, the road trip, everything. It just wouldn't be fair of me to break off a two year relationship and not tell him why.

But— let me make this clear: I am not ending it because of Harry.

Sure, Harry was a small factor into it, but it's much more than that. Dylan has been extremely disrespectful to me for the past two weeks, and I am over it. He's trying to control me and tell me what I need to do with my life. It's bullshit.

I was invited to a party tonight, and I am on the edge about going. The party is for me, and it's a party to celebrate the end of my first world tour. But, I know Harry's going to be there, and I really just don't want to see his face.

But, also... what if I showed up looking hot and like a badass? Man— I would love to see his face.

I hear my phone buzz from my nightstand, and I lazily reach my arm over and answer it, "Hello?" I say into the phone.

"OLIVIA!!! How was it? Did you have fun? Are you going to the party tonight? Is Harry as much of a dickhead as everyone thought he was?"

I laugh out loud as I hear my best-friend Jenny harass me with questions through the phone, "Slow downnn..." I say, causing her to take a deep breath before continuing on.

"How was it? The trip." She asks, and I can practically hear her smile through the phone.

"It was... interesting." I say as I pick at the ends of my nails.

"Interesting? What's that supposed to mean?" She asks, making me smile.

"I dunno. A lot of stuff happened." I shrug, trying to blow the whole thing off.

"Oh my gosh did you fuck Harry Styles?" She suddenly jumps to conclusions.

"What? No!" I laugh, bringing a palm to my face.

"Then what did you do?"

"I dunno... we just... bonded?" I say, my voice hesitant.

"You... bonded?" She asks, clearly not satisfied.

"Yes. We bonded."

"Boringggg. Is he going to the party tonight?" She asks, and I roll over on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

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