authors note

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hi everyone! i know i've kinda gone mia for a little while, and i apologize for that! i needed to take a little break from writing and everything.

the response to this story has been absolutely crazy! i cant believe i almost started writing it a year ago. i wanted to thank everyone who has stuck around and voted, commented, and even messaged me telling me how much they love the story. it means the absolute world to me that you guys enjoy it!

as of right now i am currently working on a new story called deja vu (it's enemies to lovers☝️, just clarifying because i know how many people love that trope), and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!

the prologue is already up, so if you'd like you can go and read that! i'm going to try and publish the first chapter tonight as well :)

as for rising stars, the story has come to an end. i felt there was really no way to continue the story without it feeling dragged out. this story means so much to me and i'm so glad everyone loved it as much as i did.

if you have any questions about rising stars, deja vu, or even me, feel free to ask :)

once again, thank you all for the sweet messages. love you all lots and i hope to continue to see everyone's comments on my next story!!!!

stay safe and ily <33

also, here's the cover of the next story :)

also, here's the cover of the next story :)

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