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song: lights up by harry styles :)
play when you see the **

I woke up the next morning with the sun soaking my skin, making me dig my head further into the pillow to cover my eyes. I groan as I twist and turn in the messy sheets, not having any idea what time it is or how long I've been sleeping.

The last thing I remember last night is coming upstairs and passing out on the bed, being absolutely exhausted from everything that happened. Performing the song in front of Harry, having to separate Harry from literally killing Liam— shit, Liam.

I don't have any idea how I'm going to deal with that situation. Harry said Liam is interested, but he hasn't said a word to me about it. Has he been interested this whole time? Is he planning on asking me out? Would it make things worse between Harry and I if I said yes to going out with him?

All these questions swarmed through my head as I tiredly drag myself out of bed, running my fingers through my knotted hair as I walk into the bathroom. All the first aid kid supplies and left over cotton balls were still all over the counter, only making my brain revisit all the events of yesterday.

It was nice spending some alone time with Harry after this week, even if it was only ten minutes. It was the first time we've interacted since the night at the restaurant that we've actually not screamed at each other, which was a huge step. I wouldn't say things are resolved between us, because they definitely aren't, but at least some tensions died down.

Or maybe there's more tension now. Last night only made me miss him more, I forgot how nice it was spending alone time with him. I miss going on long drives or having deep conversations with him. But he's made it clear that he isn't interested anymore, and I have to accept that.

It's going to be hard, but last night proved that I can still be around him and cooperate with him. It's going to be miserable this next week, but hopefully if I keep my head up, I can fake it until I make it. I just have to show him that I'm fine and I don't need him.

I sigh to myself as I put away all the leftover supplies from last night, stuffing them into drawers and trying my best to keep it neat. I pull my hair back messily and turn on the faucet, putting my hands into a cup shape and collecting water in them. I splash the cold water on my face, rubbing my eyes to try and wake up some. The cold water was refreshing and definitely woke me up, but I'm still mentally exhausted.

I pat my face dry and grab my toothbrush, wetting it before screwing the cap off of my toothpaste and squirting some on the bristles. I bring the toothbrush into my mouth, beginning to brush my teeth thoroughly as I shift my weight from one leg to the other and lean against the counter.

Once I finish brushing my teeth I rinse my mouth and start doing my makeup. I usually do a light look, but since I have barely gotten any sleep these past couple days I'll probably need something heavier. I apply some foundation to cover my dark circles and zits, blending it in before adding some concealer to clean it up. I apply some eye liner, creating a small wing before curling my lashes and putting on some mascara. Lastly I apply some light blush and highlighter, finishing the look.

I let my hair down and brush it through again, considering it only takes two seconds for it to get knotted. I grab a hair clip and just pin my hair back in a low bun, not really needing to do much with it. My hair has always been stubborn since I was a little girl, I've never really liked it. If I could I'd just go bald, but I know I most likely wouldn't be able to pull that look off.

I shut my light off in my bathroom and walk toward my closet, sliding the door open and looking around through the clothes. I rummage through the hung shirts and dresses, trying to choose something right to wear. I didn't want to dress up too much because I didn't want to make it obvious I was trying to look good, but I also wanted to dress up enough to look like I'm mentally fine. I scan my eyes across all the brightly colored clothes until I find a plain red sundress with spaghetti straps.

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