Calen | 1340w

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  I peek out from Lance's shoulder, only to shrink back into it with a whine. Did he bring someone with him to find me? What if Macer found him and now Lance is handing me over to him?

  I clutch even tighter onto Lance, noticing him do the same as we draw nearer his car and the man. I peek again, just barely looking at the man from under my hood.

  Somehow, I recognize him. Where from I don't know, but I have definitely met him before.

  He pushes off the hood of the car when we get closer, a smirk settling on his face. "Well now Lance, did you finally get yourself a toy?" He asks, his tone teasing.

  I shrink into Lance a little more, snuggling my face into his chest as he growls lowly. "Shut your mouth, Bradley," He spits, though he sounds more annoyed than angry.

  Bradley practically giggles. "Be nice, I'm just teasing. I came because I need to talk to you." His voice grows serious, and I can't help a shiver. His voice is as familiar as his face.

  There's a moment of silence, then I'm carried to the back of the car and when Bradley opens the door Lance gently pries me off him and sets me down. He blocks Bradley's view and holds my hands while he nuzzles my neck.

  "It's okay Baby, I just need to talk to him for a few minutes." I whine and grab his hands tighter, yet still somehow weakly, at the thought of him leaving me. What if something happens? What if Bradley convinces him he shouldn't care about me? Does he really care about me or is he just doing this because I'm Falcon?

  "Baby," He says firmly, and I suddenly realize I'm shaking like a leaf. "If you don't feel comfortable with this for whatever reason, I will leave his sorry ass here and we can go home. I'm sure his news can wait until later."

  I want to tell him I'm not comfortable, that I don't trust Bradley, that I just want to go home, but won't he get angry at me? Whenever my old foster parents asked me questions like that they never meant it. And my teachers did that too. What if everyone is like that?

  "I'm-I'm oka-kay..." I mumble, and though Lance looks doubtful he still nods.

  "Thank you Baby," he coos, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I promise this won't take more than five minutes."

  And then he's gone. His hands disappear from my weak grip, and the car door closes behind him. I flinch at the noise, curling into a trembling ball. A few beats later I look up at them through the back window. It makes me feel slightly better being able to see Lance, so I stay like that. Unconsciously, I find myself reading their lips.

  Sometimes after I've been Falcon for a long time and I change back everything is overwhelming, especially sound. It's like when I first change back from Falcon some of my senses remain for a while, and my fully human body isn't equipped to be hearing every noise being made, especially in a city. So I put in earplugs and muffs, or headphones, really whatever I can find to cover my ears.

  I wouldn't go out if I didn't have to, but sometimes I don't have a choice. It bothers me so much to be missing one of my senses, I always feel like everyone is plotting against me. So I learned how to read lips, which is helpful when I can't hear anything.

  "Lance, you have to," Bradley says, waving a hand sharply.

  "I don't have to do anything, Bradley. And if they try to make me..." he turns away from me, cutting off the rest of his sentence.

  It takes Bradley a few moments to answer. "Fine. But you know this won't work out well, right?" There's a pause as Lance says something. "Okay okay, I get it. At least let me come home with you and make sure it's all working."

  I see Lance's shoulders droop slightly, and he nods. I duck back down as they walk toward the car, not wanting them to know I was eavesdropping. Not that any of that made sense to me anyway.

  But... who is "they"? And what do they want Lance to do?

  Lance opens the door opposite me, peering in with a smile I know must be at least partially fake. He just had an argument, there's no way the sight of me could make him cheerful after that. I slide closer to him, and when he picks me up and out of the car I snuggle my nose into his shoulder.

  He doesn't even glance at Bradley who is watching with an amused expression. "You can sit in the back," Lance tells him stiffly, before opening the passenger door and setting me inside. I tremble slightly when he closes it, the sound making me flinch yet again. He hurries around to the drivers side, climbing in and immediately reaching out to black le my seatbelt for me. I forgot I needed to do that.

  He buckles himself in before starting to drive, not seeming to even check if Bradley was in the car, let alone buckled. I smile shyly when Lance reaches out and gently holds my hand, despite the face it's still streaked with dry blood.

  I tuck my hand under the bottom of his big hoodie I'm wearing, nervously petting my tail which is wrapped around my waist. It's silent for a few minutes before Bradley speaks up.

  "So Falcon, where are your wings?" he asks nonchalantly.

  I feel Lance's hand instantly stiffen in mine, while it takes me a short moment to realize Bradley was even talking to me. I don't feel like Falcon, so why would anybody be calling me that? I feel stupid when I realize he obviously doesn't know I have other forms. I feel even more stupid when I realize he shouldn't even know I am Falcon.

  What do I say? He knows I'm Falcon. Lance wouldn't let him take me and hand me over to Macer would he? Why is he bringing Bradley home with us?

  I shrink into my seat as a tremble makes its way through my body. Lance answers for me, though not in the way I would have. "That's none of your business, Bradley. Remember what I said earlier? Yeah, don't even talk to him." He never takes his eyes off the road, expression unwavering.

  I stare at him in slight awe, wondering why he would bother to defend me after I was so rude to him the other day. He took care of me and fed me and gave me clothes and all I did was make his life miserable. I should leave... but no, that might make him sad.

  I look over at him and think for a moment. I'll just be extra nice. And I'll do some cleaning and cooking and help him like he helped me. Yeah, that'll work.

  I don't realize I'm smiling until he looks at me and smiles himself. He lets out a soft chuckle when I blush and look away, feeling embarrassed. I hear a soft snicker from behind me, making me jump slightly.

  Lance's grip on my hand tightens ever so slightly again, so I reach up with my free hand and start petting his fingers until he relaxes.

  When we get back to his house he picks me up again and carries me inside, then stops in his tracks. I peek out from my place in his sweater, my eyes widening when I see that it's completely trashed.

  Every single drawer is pulled open, paper scattered around, glass shards  from broken glasses and picture frames glinting on the floor.

  I hear a snort from beside us, both Lance and I whipping around to look at Bradley. "I told you this wouldn't work out well."

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