Falcon | 1511w

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   It's not too late," I whisper to myself as I stare up at the ceiling, my heart still pounding from a nightmare. I slept fitfully, and for a far shorter amount of time than I know I needed. But it's so, so hard to sleep when guilt is raking it's inky claws all over me, leaving stains wherever it can reach.

   I tremble as a shiver of fear runs through me, waking me even further. When it happens again I can no longer ignore the warning. I desperately want to ignore it, because most of the time these warnings have something to do with Macer. But at the same time, I can't let people go unprotected because of selfish reasons.

   I groan as I force myself off the bed and onto my feet, then sluggishly pull on my suit. I scribble myself a note, explaining how I need to find the kid and check on him, then stuff it into my pocket. Oh, how I hate forgetting things.

   I close my eyes and will myself to shift into Falcon, imagining my wings and sharper senses, the feel of wind slipping by as I fly. A moment later I open my eyes, but I don't even have to feel my back to know I've failed. I never could change on command, especially not when I'm still as exhausted as I am now. I almost start to cry for the millionth time in the last few days as I clip on the emergency knife I carry.

   I know what I have to do to make myself shift. I discovered the... technique, at the same moment I first changed into Falcon. It was both a terrible and wonderful first experience. A failure, and a success.

   I think back to the argument I had with Lance right before I left for my cabin in the woods, wondering if he believed me. Probably not. After all, why would the city's favorite hero want to leap off a fifty story building?

   The answer is that I don't. Not now at least, but there was a time. A time when I didn't have a purpose like I do now. A time when the distance from me to the ground seemed more inviting than daunting.

   I let out a slow breath and shove those memories to the back of my mind, simultaneously inching forward until my toes hang over the edge. I take a deep breath to fill my lungs, hold it for one... two... three...

   I fall.


   My wings are folded neatly at my back as I watch a couple enter the police station, and I can't help but wonder why I'm here. I just had a feeling this is where I needed to be, like an invisible thread slowly pulling me here. I can't help but wrinkle my nose in distaste.

   It's not that I don't like police, they really do help keep the city in order, but... they're pretty useless when it comes to Villains.

   I sigh and prepare myself for the inevitable questions I'm going to be asked after walking in. To my surprise, there is only one man guarding the lobby and he is currently preoccupied by someone else. I look around, wondering where the others could be. Maybe they got called away for something?

   I silently walk closer, my curiosity getting the better of me when I hear them quietly whisper yelling at each other. A feeling of dread settles over me as I take in the back of the tall, mysterious man. Midnight black hair blending into the collar of a sleek black coat, ending in dark jeans and black combat boots.

   Not Macer, but Lance.

   My lip curls angrily, but I shove it down so I can focus on the task at hand; find the foster kid, make sure they're okay, apologize for failing them, and offer to look after them for a while. I feel bad not even knowing their name, but that's why I'm here. If I can get the file detailing the house fire, it will have all the information I need.

   I shake off the nagging feeling that I'm forgetting something, and walk purposefully toward the two. I don't bother to quiet my footsteps this time, and they immediately straighten, Lance whirling to look at me.

   His harsh gaze softens almost imperceptibly, then becomes guarded as he looks me up and down. "Calen...?" he asks hesitantly.

   I take in how the policeman seems to trust him, and after a second I come to the conclusion they must be working together. No need to waste my time with either of them, then. I turn my gaze away from Lance and stride toward the doorway, right past him.

   He looks a bit shocked at how I'm completely ignoring him, but I doubt he'd prefer the other option. Of course, I can't really attack him when he's pretending to be a civilian, but the itch is there.

   The itch grows when he grabs my arm, tugging me around to look at him. "Hey, we need to talk," he murmurs rather harshly.

   I rip my arm out of his grasp, already turning away again as I reply. "We have nothing to discuss."

   I'm almost to the door when there's a sizzling and popping sound, then every camera in the room melts, ruining the inner workings. Those will need replaced. I turn slowly, to be met with an annoyed pair of glowing blue eyes. Wonderful, maybe now I can satisfy that ever growing itch.

   I watch him step forward. "Did you come here to taunt me?" He growls, eyes blazing as he stops in front of me. "I realize you don't want me around the kid, but you have no right to keep me from checking on them!" He says vehemently, his fingers beginning to crackle with sparks.

   I narrow my eyes as I take a step closer to him, a breeze from the open door ruffling my hair. "How do you know about the kid?" I grind out, my fingernails digging into my palms.

   He blinks slowly and tilts his head, looking at me curiously before chuckling. "I forgot you don't remember."

   A nervous feeling settles over me. I thought I spent the last few days resting, and getting my old foster parents put in prison. The note said they were gone, and that they had a new kid who would need help. What could Macer possibly have to do with that?

   I shove his chest, pushing him with enough force to surprise him into stumbling back a step. "I won't believe a word you say, so don't even try. Now leave me to do my task, or I will make you leave," I snap, shoving him one more time before turning and stalking into the back rooms.

   There are a couple other cops here, but they take a look at me and let me pass. Unfortunately, they let Macer pass as well because he's trailing so closely behind me. As soon as another door has closed between us and the cops I whirl around and snarl at him. "What do you want?"

   He snarls right back, his eyes blazing. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to burn me to a crisp yet. "I want to know why you took the kid!"

   I roll my eyes and fold my arms. "I did not take the kid, I'm here to find and check on them," I reply, my voice dripping with annoyance until something occurs to me. "Wait, why did you think I took the kid?"

   "Masquerader told me the kid was taken," he explains, rubbing his face and momentarily blocking the glow of his eyes. "And why are you so standoffish, obviously I'm not going to hurt you," he scoffs.

   I clench my fists again and take a step forward, meeting his gaze angrily. "Oh you wouldn't, hm?" I taunt, raising my arms from my sides. "Look, a free shot! Take it," I deadpan, my gaze unwavering. "I doubt you can resist the blood-lust."

   He glares at me as he advances forward, and I smirk to myself as I back up. He will prove my point, I will break him once and for all, and then I will find the kid.

   I'm surprised when instead of immediately burning me, he just keeps backing me up until I hit the wall. I'm debating whether I should continue this taunting when he moves. He grabs my wrists tightly, yanking my hands forward until they're held in front of my chest.

   I look up from his warm grip on my wrists to see his expression unguarded. He looks genuinely dismayed as he releases my hands like he's been burned.

  "Don't ever do that again!" he growls loudly, running his hands through his hair. "You really remember nothing? You really believe I would hurt you?"

   I snort mockingly. "Oh I remember alright," I hiss, accentuating it with a push to his chest. "I remember you leaving me to die, in a fire you started."

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