Macer | 1660w

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  I can see Falcon getting nervous as I smile, and to be honest he's probably right to be nervous. I mean, he is in the home of his "enemy" even though he doesn't know it. And I might be plotting ways to make him embarrassed and find his soft spots while he's at my mercy.

  I decide my plan can start now, and because he's so light weight and easy to pick up...

  Aww, he squeaked. I picked him up and he squeaked, why is that so cute? Anyway, I ignore his adorable squeak as much as possible and carry him to my kitchen, then set him on a stool at the island. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask him, hiding my smirk by opening the fridge door and looking in. When he doesn't answer my smirk falls and I look at him, only to see him frowning down at his wrists.

  I didn't notice last night, but they're raw and red, even slightly bloody in spots like there was something chafing at them for quite awhile. Like he had been tied up with rope.

  He notices me looking and awkwardly puts his hands on his lap, hidden from view under the island. It's cute how different he seems without his suit and mask on, I would even go so far as to say he looks completely harmless. I close the fridge and lean a shoulder on it, crossing my arms as I stare him down. "I asked what you wanted for breakfast."

  He looks away from me. "I'm not hungry."

  "If I had to guess it would be two days since you've eaten." I state, casually checking my nails for dirt as he snaps his head around to look at me. "After all, you've been gone for two days without any warning, then you show up with rope burns on your wrists and a bunch of bruises? I wonder what could have happened." I muse, meeting his eyes.

  He's silent for a while, then slowly looks down at his lap and mumbles, "He said they knew where my hideout was. My home too."

  Oh. I guess if I can understand why he's worried, I would be too if someone said they knew where my hideout was. My home is... eh. I don't have anything valuable to me here, I keep everything at my hideout where no one can find it. Also, now I know for sure that someone captured him. I really should find them and rip their throats out.

  I smile suddenly, coming up with an idea. "Tell you what, if you eat breakfast I'll drive you to your home, and if you feel up to it by then you can fly to your hideout."

  He sighs, sounding dejected. "I can't fly."

  I quirk an eyebrow, but he doesn't notice, so I roll my eyes for my own benefit. "You're Falcon, of course you can fly." When he just continues to avoid looking at me I add, "...right?"

  Another sigh. "My right wing got shot."

  I walk over and sit on the stool next to his, then playfully spin him in a circle, causing him to look up at me with a glare that he obviously doesn't feel like giving me. He looks like he wants to go back to sleep. I prop my elbow on the island and my chin in my hand, watching as Falcon looks back to his lap.

  "Where are your wings?" I ask curiously. "Are they even real? Cause there is no place on your back where it looks like wings go."

  He shrugs. "I don't really know the science behind it, but they show up whenever I want them to. They just... appear." He makes a little gesture with his hands to emphasize "appear" and I struggle not to smile.

  "Right..." I draw the word out. "So do you need to make them "appear" for them to heal?" He nods. "So why haven't you done it yet? Wouldn't you want to just get it over with?"

  He glances up at me, looking mildly embarrassed. "I didn't want to freak you out."

  I roll my eyes. "I promise I won't freak out. Will you get your wings now?"

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