I need your help!

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** UPDATED 1/5/21**
I think we got it taken down guys!!! When I try to click the link, it shows that it can't be found on their website! I just want to thank you all for working SO quickly (I'm astonished really) and I am forever grateful for you.

1/4/21 Message
Hi there readers, today I'm asking for your help to get a story reported! I was recently informed by a very gracious reader that this book, Fight For Her, has been plagiarized.

If you look up "Loving You Badly story" on the internet, you'll see that my story has been copied... word for word. I never would have even thought this would happen, and I know it's not the end of the world, but this author is taking credit for my work (on my very first story I wrote a long time ago but cherish very deeply), and has copied everything except the title and cover.

I ask that, if you are able, please report this author and story so that we can get it removed! I wrote this for you guys, and I hate that it's being circulated somewhere else without my consent. So if you are willing, please help me out on this one, and always feel free to message me if you have questions or find any of my work on other sites as well!

I love you all, and I hope that we can get this matter settled.

Have a fantastic day, much love,
- Anne :)

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