Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

We got kicked out right after.

I mean, I couldn't help it. She was talking like she owned everything in the world and I was just itching to knock that smug look off her face.

And Ryder just sat there, stunned.

I was walking fast now, right after being kicked out. My pace was faster than Ryder's and I was probably about ten feet in front of him.

"Ruby!" I heard Ryder call out to me from behind and his footsteps gaining on mine.

"Ruby!" Ryder's firm hand grasped my arm and spun me around. "Ruby."

"What?" I said irritated.

He shook his head at me with a smile and we kept walking to the ice rink.

"That was pretty cool back there, you know?" he chuckled.

I couldn't help but start laughing along with him. All the anger was gone and somehow, Ryder always managed to cheer me up.

"Here we are." I said, coming to a stop on front of the Devon Ice Skating Rink.

We waited in the short line for some skates and then laced them up to our feet. I couldn't get mine completely tied so Ryder unexpectedly bent down, kneeling, and laced them up for me. I watched him as he gracefully crossed the laces over each other and buckled the snap.

"You're good to go." He slapped his thighs and stood up, pulling my hand up with him.

The ice was a little bumpy, but it was nothing we couldn't handle.

Ryder had definitely skated before, and I watched him lap around me twice...three times...five times...

When he came back towards me again, his skating slowed and his pace was matched up to mine.

"Where'd you learn to skate like that?" I asked, still watching his feet move carefully.

"My uncle was a hockey coach for a while. He taught me."

I nodded and kept skating slowly, sticking my hands out to the sides to keep from falling.

I stumbled on a bump but Ryder caught my arm and helped me up again. He drew his hand back but then laced his fingers with mine. My body shivered and I felt myself become giddy.

"Push off with your back foot, like this." He showed me and I mimicked his form, surprisingly easily.

We kept skating, my hand in his, the feeling of his warm skin covering mine; fingers intertwined.

The air got colder and the sun was beginning to set, so we decided to make our way back to the hotel.

"I'm exhausted." I said and plopped down on my bed. Ryder agreed and copied my movements.

My phone buzzed form the night stand and I opened it up.

Tracker disabled. Please renew to continue tracking.

I stared at it in confusion and looked at Ryder. What the hell? "Were you tracking me?"

His head whipped around to mine and I saw his guilty expression. I cut him off when he opened his mouth to speak.

"How dare you!? You can't just go around stalking people, Ryder!" I yelled.

"I had to! I was worried that you would get kidnapped from the Silents!" he said.

"Ryder, they're all the way in California and I don't have any more pictures of me on the internet!"

He was silent. "There actually was another one..."

I stared at him blankly. "What are you talking about, Ryder?"

He sighed. "There was another picture of you from the fight. It was on another website, this time much more international. I forgot to tell you-"

"Forgot to tell me my ass!" I yelled and stood up, running my hands through my hair nervously. "Why wouldn't you tell me?! Why didn't you warn me about this!?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't thinking straight and-"

I scoffed. "Of course you weren't thinking straight, Ryder. You never do! They could be after me right now! Do you understand how much danger I'm in because of you?"

He stood up, now mad as well. "You think I don't know that? I've been by you the whole entire time. All I was trying to do was protect you."

"I can protect myself. I'm not your girlfriend, Ryder, and I certainly don't need your help."

He stood silently and I shook my head. "You know what Ryder? You're so damn ignorant. Get your head out of your ass for once in your life and realize that the things you do can affect people."

I grabbed my phone and made my way out the door, leaving Ryder behind.

How could he? This would've been so much easier if he had told me. And tracking my phone? That was a new kind of horrible.

But he was only trying to keep you safe.

Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! I was done thinking about Ryder. Done thinking about how he had lied to me and kept the truth hidden.

I didn't realize I was outside until the door of the lobby closed behind me. I was tired but fueling with anger. My fists clenched and unclenched until my knuckles turned white.

I heard a car door shut behind me, but it was only a woman with a briefcase who walked into the Sheraton.

When I turned around, I almost screamed.

A tall, dark figure grabbed me by my arms and started to drag me towards a black car.

"Let me go!" I screamed and kicked at the man's legs, but he didn't budge.

A cloth was placed over my mouth when he pushed me into the backseat and I tried desperately to breathe, but only inhaled chloroform.

The last thing I saw before passing out, was the man taking off his mask and revealing a very familiar face.

I was being kidnapped by the Silents.

Sorry this is short but I wrote this at like three in the morning and was tired.

By the way, chloroform is a chemical that makes you pass out when you inhale it.

Not much of an A/N, sorry.

Have a fantastic day, much love,

-Anne :)

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