Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ryder's POV

Opening up to Ruby was a mistake, I think.

I'm not sure if that was such a good idea. Honestly, I'm not sure about anything anymore when I'm with Ruby. She's just so, trustworthy, I guess. Like you could tell her a million of your secrets and she wouldn't tell anyone.

That's why I liked having her around. It was fun.

And that's all it is, Ryder. Fun.

She rode her Ducati to the competition and I saw the happiness and excitement of having it back in her eyes. It made me feel nice and good when I saw that she appreciated my effort into getting the bike back for her.

This competition was being held at the Breeze Arena further up north in Pittsburgh. I was pumped to see this fight. It was obvious that Ruby would win.

I was trailing behind her on my own bike and I watched her hair trail back from the wind. The snow was shining from the streetlamps and I was just glad that the roads were clear.

As we approached the arena, I heard the loud pumping music pouring out of the doors.

The guard let us through and I led Ruby back to the back rooms. There was a small empty one so we followed in.

"Ready?" I asked when she pulled off her jacket to reveal herself in a black sports bra. Damn.

"You're going up against," I checked the card on the door and matched up the name next to Ruby's, "she calls herself 'Jazzy'. Huh. She's from Connecticut, no biggy." I reassured her.

"Can I tell you something, Ryder?" she asked me.

"Sure." I responded.

"To be honest, I'm actually really nervous. I've never competed like this before and what if she beats me?"

I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders and pulled her close so that she was facing me. "You'll win, Ruby. You've been training real well this week, and I have faith in you, okay? You're great Ruby, don't let this get to you."

She nodded unsurely and took a deep breath. We heard the crowd applauding outside and I smiled at her.

"Let's make shit happen."

The instant we stepped out into the arena, the crowd roared. I patted Ruby on the back and went up to the ring with her since she didn't have a formal coach. I gave her a mouth guard and a squirt of water.

"And in this corner," the announcer pointed at the opposite corner, "we have Jazzy!" the crowd cheered and clapped. I saw Ruby relax a little bit when she saw who she was going against. Jazzy was well built, but she looked a little clumsy.

"And opposing her tonight in this corner is," the announcer pointed to Ruby, "Ruby Buchanan!"

The crowd roared even though they had no clue who she was since she was a first timer.

I gently pushed Ruby out onto the mat and she looked back. I gave her a thumbs up and she turned back around to face Jazzy.

I knew that these types of fights attracted more men than women even though they were rare around here. I mean, who wouldn't want to see two half naked girls fighting each other?

The bell chimed to signal round one and they circled the mat. The crowd was somewhat silent except for the occasional whistle from a group of guys.

Jazzy threw the first punch but Ruby ducked in time and whammed Jazzy's ribs. The crowd roared and I mentally cheered out.

Jazzy swung at Ruby's legs and she stumbled but quickly regained.

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