Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I woke up with a strong arm holding my waist. Looking up to see Ryder's perfect face and strong jaw. His eyes were closed and I could see his soft lashes.

After coming back from the meadow, he invited me inside and kissed me again and again when he closed the door. After stumbling up the stairs without detaching our lips from one another, we finally made it into Ryder's bed, and I immediately fell asleep in his warm embrace.

I had spent the night, and let me just tell you, you haven't cuddled until you've cuddled with Ryder Daniels.

His eyes opened and he looked down at me and grinned a grin that made my heart do back flips.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said in a sexy scratchy morning voice.

"Morning." I replied and he bent his head to kiss me slowly. When he looked back at me, he grinned. "That's a nice way of waking up."

I smiled and rested my head on the pillow. Looking at the time, my eyes popped out of my head.

"Shit!" I yelped and jumped out of the bed.

Ryder groaned and rubbed his eyes, pulling me back down on the bed.

"We have to go, Ryder. We have school."

"Don't go." He said adorably.

I sighed. "If I miss any more classes, I'll be kicked out."

He finally looked up at me and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Fine." He said and sat up on the bed.

I opened his window and stepped out into the warm air.

I looked back at Ryder, who was studying me. "I'll see you at school?"

He smiled and nodded. "Definitely."

Carefully placing the board across our balconies, I took a deep breath and stepped on the board.

"Don't fall, baby." Ryder said from behind me and I almost fell.

"Don't distract me." I said and balanced myself.

I finally reached my balcony and let out a breath of relief.

Ryder was standing on his balcony with his arms crossed, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes and went inside my room, closing the window from a smirking Ryder.

I shut the blinds and changed into some clean clothes and walked down to the kitchen.

"Mom?" I called out. No answer. Of course not, she's at work.

I grabbed a pop tart and made my way out to the garage where my bike sat in all its glory.

When I got out on the driveway, I saw Ryder back into the street and wave me over.

Driving over slowly next to him, I smiled. "Hey there biker."

"Same to you, too."

"Race you to school." I challenged.

He winked. "You're on." And then he sped off.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I called out, but he was already halfway down the street.

I raced after him, finally gaining speed. When I passed him, he shot me a puzzled look and I chuckled to myself.

I turned a corner and almost fell off when Ryder's figure zoomed past me. We were well over the speed limit, but since there were no police cars around, we figured, why not?

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