Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ryder's POV

Right after Ruby ran out of the gym like her life depended on it, I mentally slapped myself over and over for almost kissing her. That would've been disastrous.

There were pro's and con's to kissing Ruby.

Pro: It looks like she would be a great kisser.

Con: It would make me lose the closest friend I've had since...well...ever. Everyone else except Feliciano and Ruby were all fake.

All I wanted to do was to forget about Ruby and take my mind off of everything that had happened today. So I call Monica.

Monica was great in bed, and she sure as hell had a great body, but that's all she was to me beside a nice bed-buddy to have around at difficult times. And during it, I imagined it was Ruby's soft lips I was kissing or her smooth legs I held...

What the hell?

Monica was nice to me, gave me advice, and was always available for me. She wasn't snobby or into a relationship which I was so grateful for.

Right now I was lying on my bed with her up and at it to get dressed. I watched her as she pulled on her underwear and jeans, catching a glimpse of her nice butt.

"You seemed a little out of it today," she said while pulling on her shirt, "want to talk about it?"

I grunted. "No."

She laughed and came over to sit on the side of the bed. "Come on, you know you can talk to me."

I watched as she pulled her brown hair into a ponytail and smiled. "Pleeeaaase..." she begged.

I sat up and rubbed my hands down my face. "It's nothing really, just this girl..."

She sat up straight and broke into a huge grin. "A girl? I know she's different because you never talk about girls to me!" Monica was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"Stop! I don't like her, she's just...I don't know. She's messing with my head." I shook my head and watched her.

She smirked evilly and crossed her legs. "I can tell she's special, what's she like?"

"She's tall, brown hair, a little shorter than yours," I pointed to her long hair that hung in a tight ponytail, "and she fights, like me."

"Really? I've never heard of a girl that fights from around here. I think you like her." She began to poke my ribs and I pulled her hands away. "But you shouldn't tell her about our little sex thing, because that would ruin any chances you have with her."

I scoffed. "What makes you think I want to be with her?"

"Oh, don't deny it Ryder. I can tell that you do. Every time you talk about her your eyes sparkle. And I know that sounds totally cheesy and cliché, but it's true."

I shook my head. "Nope, I don't like her. We're just friends, that's all."

She stood, picked up her purse, and shook her head at me. "You should really try and get to know her better, Ryder. Maybe you'll actually realize that you like her soon enough. I don't want you growing up and looking back at your life and remembering all the girls you've slept with and thrown away. Maybe she's the one."

I laughed my ass off at this one because no way in hell would Ruby ever marry me or I marry her. We weren't soul mates, we weren't even dating for that matter and Monica was already trying to plan weddings.

"Well, I have to go. But think about it." she came back over and kissed me lightly before walking out of my room.

Why was she telling me this, and more importantly, what is Ruby doing to me?

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