thirty four

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The Slytherin common room was mostly empty except for three people sitting on the couch. Theo, Blaise and Pansy. They didn't see or hear us come in but when we notice they waited for us to return, Draco and I smile at eachother.

"You three are fucking ridiculous." Draco teases, causing the three of them to jump.

"What the fuck! You scared the shit out of us." Blaise whines.

"You're back already?" Pansy asks. "Why?"

"The short version." Draco began as we both collapse on the loveseat beside the trio. "We got kicked out."

"What happened?" Theo asks, turning his attention to me. "what did you do?"

"Okay fuck you. I was very polite and respectful. For once it wasn't me." I say which causes Theo to laugh slightly.

"It was my father." Draco says. Apparently that was enough information for the other three as they nod and stop talking.

"So then I'm assuming you two need somewhere to stay over the summer?" Theo asks.

"No." Draco says.

"No?" Pansy asks.

"We're going to my Aunt's house."

"Your Aunt...?" Blaise asks.

"Andromeda." Draco says casually as he pulls me closer to his chest. I lay my head on him and he holds me close.

"I thought her and your family don't get along." Blaise adds.

"So did I but mother says that she'll allow us to stay there over the summer." Draco explains.

"That's curious." Theo says.

The rest of the night was a blur because at some point during the conversation, I passed out on Draco's chest. I just remember listening to his heart beat and falling asleep, feeling safe.


The next morning I woke up in my bed alone. I roll over to see Pansy passed out still in her bed. I guess he carried me to my room last night...

I roll out of bed and start getting my robes on but Pansy still wasn't waking up so I throw a pillow at her.

"What the fuck-" she says as she looks up and sees me smiling. "What was that for?"

"Get up." I demand.

"I liked it better when we weren't talking. At least then I could sleep." Pansy teases before forcing herself out of bed.

"Yeah, yeah." I say as I start to brush my hair.

"Well let's go. Now that i'm up, I'm hungry." Pansy says as she pulls my arm out of the room. Theo was just leaving his room but Blaise was on the couch.

"Holy shit, you guys look rough." Blaise jokes as he notices everyone looking tired.

"You don't look any better, Zabini." I tease.

"Where's Malfoy?" Theo asks.

"He left the common room early and told me to tell everyone he'd come by during breakfast." Blaise explains as we begin to head down to breakfast.

The great hall was as loud as it always is during meals but I could feel people staring at me and I hated that feeling. I look around and see that a lot of the Gryffindor's, mostly Harry's friends, were looking at me and talking among themselves.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself but Blaise heard me.

"What's up?" he asks before we get to the table.

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