forty one

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"How was detention with the gryffinfor golden duo?" Blaise asks sarcastically once we got back to the common room.

"It was- interesting." I say. "It wasn't bad."

"Oh? It wasn't bad....?" Theo asks.

"No." I say with a smirk. "It was different."

"Anyway—" Blaise says as he catches on to what I was saying and tries to change the subject. "Are we ready for tonight?"

"Yes." Malfoy says and Theo nods excitedly.

"Oh, I almost forgot T. I invited Hermione to join us tonight." I say.  Theo looks at me in disbelief and then smiles from ear to ear.

"You did?" He asks, coming over to me and throws his arms around me.

"Of course I did." I smile and hug him back tight. We haven't been that close lately because he's been busy with Hermione and I've been busy with Draco... but it feels good to be hanging out again and have things feel a little normal.

"And she agreed to come?" Blaise asks.

"Yeah, she was really glad that Potter invited her." Malfoy explains.

"And you didn't scare her away?" Blaise asks sarcastically.

"I thought about it but the look on Weasle and Potter's faces were definitely more entertaining." Malfoy jokes.

"Oh you should've seen it! They were pissed!" I say.

"So should we go then?" Theo asks, offering his arm for me. I take it and nod.

"Okay but she's my girlfriend-" Draco says protectively.

"I've been very respectful of that fact but you can walk by yourself for now." Theo says as he and I walk off. The other two follow with some objections from Draco. Theo and I laugh as we can hear him from the in front of him. So childish.

When we entered the great hall, Hermione was sitting with her friends but smiles and waves to us when she sees us. Theo waves back, as do I before walking to our usual spot at the Slytherin table.

"She seems really happy." Theo says, "I'm glad she can get to know you guys."

"I figured if she's willing to talk to us outside of class and in front of my brother and Ron, I should give her a chance." I say.

"Well, thank you." He says as we sit down. "I appreciate it."

"She can't be any worse than Pucey anyway." Blaise jumps in.

"She's nothing like Pucey." Theo adds.

"Where is Pansy?" I ask, noticing she hadn't met with us before dinner.

"Probably with Adrian. We don't want to know where or why." Malfoy jokes.

"Fair enough." I smile. "I'm just glad she's happy."

"You two got close real fast." Blaise points out. "How did you even manage that?"

"We talked." I say, "try it sometime. It really does help with fixing things."

"Mm. Well, I prefer hexing them or punching them." Malfoy says and Blaise nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I know." I say and roll my eyes.


The four of us were sitting in the common room waiting for Blaise to show up so we could go pick up Hermione. It's not like Blaise to be late to this. It's usually his favourite activity and he's normally the first one here.

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