twenty three

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"Bye Liv! We need to hangout soon. I'll miss you love." I say as I hug Olivia and say goodbye before the three of us made our way to the train to go back to school. Back to school where Draco and I would have to go back to pretending. We can't be open like we were at Theo's.

Back to Pansy Parkinson and my brother being in my business.

Back to Draco and I hiding in the room of requirements and pretending we aren't as close as we are in front of others.

We met Blaise outside who was apparently still with Pansy.. Theo and Draco told me that he was going to be done with her but I guess not?

"Blaise." Malfoy says as we reach the two of them. Blaise holding Pansy around the waist, close to his body.

"Malfoy." Blaise says, nodding at his friend.

"Let's go find a compartment before they're all taken." Theo suggests as he grabs my arm and pulls me towards the train entrance. Malfoy follows close behind, Blaise and Pansy close behind him. Although Theo agreed to keep the information he found out about Malfoy and I over the break a secret, he constantly teases me about it.

"They're still hanging around that half blood, Potter?" Pansy whispers to Blaise who shrugs. I heard Malfoy grunt behind me and I roll my eyes.

The train was full of first years running around, as usual. Always getting in the way. The five of us begin to move to the back of the train when I spot them. The Golden Trio.

I haven't thought about seeing them so soon.

My breathe begins to quicken and I stop moving forward. Theo doesn't notice but Malfoy walks right into me. He puts his hand on my lower back and guides me slowly. I start walking again. I wonder if Pansy and Blaise notice this... I hope not.

"Just walk past them." Malfoy whispers in my ear subtly. I see Hermione shake her head at me and Harry and Ron both scowl very noticeably at the two of us.

"Someone doesn't approve of your new found friendship." Pansy calls from behind us as her and Blaise laugh.

"Ignore them too." Malfoy whispers again. I nod and continue walking. His hand doesn't leave my back.

Theo finds an empty compartment at the back of the train and opens the door. He slips inside and sits down on one of the seats by the window. I sit down beside him and to my surprise, and everyone else's, Malfoy sits down beside me.

"Should we feel offended that everyone would rather sit with her than us?" Pansy snaps.

"Yes, yes you should be offended." Theo jokes.

Pansy scowls at Theo before rolling her eyes and turning to Blaise who was still studying Malfoy and I.

"You weren't kidding, Theo." Blaise says as his eyes widen. "They did get close."

"I told you." Theo jokes before smiling at me. Teasing again.

"Isn't that what you all wanted?" I ask as I roll my eyes. "For us to stop fighting all the time?"

"No, what we wanted was for you to fuck off." Pansy spat.

I was about to snap at her and ask what the fuck her problem is when I subtly felt Malfoy nudge my hand. I look to him and see him shake his head so I refrain from saying anything.

What's with him being so mature all of a sudden?


The school felt different. I felt as though everyone was looking at me. I think it only felt like that because I have a secret that I don't want to get out... not yet anyway. It's not safe.

Classes began the next day and the teachers were not wasting time at all. Professor Snape assigned so much homework on the first day back.

I have 3 out of 4 of my classes with Draco. The only one he doesn't have is divination which happens to be my last period. After that class, I head back to my dorm where I can be alone for a moment to study. I just need a minute to myself to get my homework done before tomorrow.

I was sitting down at the desk in the dorm. Luckily Pansy wasn't here right now. The homework was review of previous years so it was pretty easy. I was drowning myself in my homework when there was a tap at my window. An unfamiliar owl was there with a letter in its mouth.

Who was sending me a letter right now?

I open the window slowly and let the small creature inside my room. I grab the letter and smile at the owl to let it know it's good to go.

Meet me at the edge of the forbidden forest later. At 11pm.
Don't tell anyone about this and come alone.
- D.M.

Why can't we meet in the room of requirements like usual? It's cold outside and it's such a far walk to the forest. Plus, it's more likely for us to be caught there. I put the letter in my bedside table and finish my homework before I have to leave to meet him.


After I finish my homework, I go to my closet to grab a jacket because I'm going to be freezing. I put a hat on to keep my ears warm and head out. Luckily, no one was in the common room when I slipped out to meet Draco because that's a lot of explaining I don't want to do. Especially since he asked me not to tell anyone else.

I duck out of the corridor and head outside the school, being careful not to be seen by anyone. It was dark outside for only 11 at night. The butterflies in my stomach were dancing around right now with a million questions in my head.

Why couldn't we meet in the room of requirements like we usually do?

What is so important that I can't tell anyone about it...?

Why is he being so secretive?

Why couldn't we walk down together?

I reach the edge of the forest, past Hagrid's hut.

"Draco?" I call out. No answer. I look to my watch and see it's 11:05pm.

He's not one to be late...

"Draco? Are you here?" I ask again.

"Not Draco." I hear an unfamiliar voice call out from behind me. I froze in my spot. Scared.

"W-who then?" I ask, feeling my body begin to shake with fear.

"My name... is Tom Riddle but you might know me as Voldemort." The voice calls out and her stomach dropped.


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