fifty two

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My first class is Astrology and thankfully Pansy is in this class. Looking around the room, I notice Ginny's in this class and I remember Fred and George saying they'll talk to Ginny. I wonder if they got the chance or if she even cared to hear what they had to say. I look in her direction and notice she was looking at me. I smile at her but she just turns her face back to the front of the class.

I guess she doesn't care to hear me out.. Not that I really blame her.

The first class went by pretty fast and it wasn't too bad. People were staring and whispering but Pansy and I told each other to ignore it when we notice the other is getting annoyed.


My next class was Defence Against The Dark Arts and all five of us are in this class.

"Snape isn't teaching this class anymore?" Pansy asks as we walk in and see one of the Carrow twins.

"I guess now that he's headmaster, he's not teaching." I say.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy. Nice to see you here." One of the twins say was they walk over to us. "And your friends."

Draco nods. I feel the twins eyes on me as we walk into the room and find a seat.

"Well, this class is going to be tense." Pansy whispers to me.

"I know." I reply before sitting down beside Theo. Blaise and Draco sit behind us and Pansy sits with Astoria.

I look around the room quickly to see who else is here when I notice Neville sitting at the table beside us with Ginny. When my eyes met with Ginny's, she turns away and whispers something to Neville.

"Fred told me he would try and explain everything to Ginny but I don't think it worked." I whisper to Theo. He glanced over at Ginny and then back to me.

"She seems to have a staring problem." Theo mumbles.

"I know. I've caught her looking at me a few times."

"Maybe she wants to talk to you but doesn't know how." Theo says carefully.

"Maybe." I reply before looking back to Ginny. She wasn't looking at me this time and my heart sank. I just wish everyone was as understanding as Fred and George. Part of me assumes that Ginny won't be because of her feelings towards Harry. She's liked him for as long as I can remember.

"Miss Potter. Pay attention unless you'd like detention."

I nod.

Theo turns to me and shakes his head before whispering, "back to old habits already."

I turn to face the front and actually try and pay attention.


Dinner was the only part of the day that felt normal. No one cared about us at dinner, no lingering eyes watching us. By that time, the whole school was aware we were back at school and most of them, if not all of them, knew about me having the mark.

Thankfully, it looks like the whole school collectively decided to ignore us and I'm glad that they did. I thought there would be fights and people saying shit to our faces but luckily, nothing like that has happened. Yet.

"I'm so fucking over being here already." Blaise says angrily.

"Me too." Pansy agrees.

I don't say anything. It's hard for them because they're associated with us. Draco and I. No one knows that Blaise has the mark, and no one knows Pansy doesn't. It's just assumptions.

"It's only the first day." Theo begins. "They're all just shocked we're actually here. It won't be this way every day."

"It might not be this way every day, but it could get worse." I add.

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